
中津川 ホテルの宿泊者口コミ・レビュー

夜がらす山荘 長多喜
Nagataki was perhaps the highlight accom of our whole 2.5 week Japan journey. It cost more than any of our other accommodation but it was worth it as our 2 nights here were so memorable. Our 200 year old traditional house was full of character with a beautiful view and so spacious and with modern bathroom - even had hosted a Japanese Emperor! We read some reviews that said it was cold but with the ample heaters on before we entered every day and hot water bottles delivered each evening for our warm comfy futons, we were so cosy and never cold despite wintery conditions outside. The included food by chef Maseyo was incredible- such skillful traditional sushi and dishes using local unique fruits, vegetables and fish and so ample (7-10 courses each breakfast and dinner!). And he created amazing creative vegetarian alternatives for me while my partner ate the full range and we both loved every dish - and the warm sake! Maseyo speaks excellent english and is descended from a long family line running this historical Ryokan hundreds of years. The woman who brought us most of our meals and helped show us how to wear our yukatas (belted up with a resounding “CHOTO!!”) was so lovely and had a great sense of humour. Such warm and genuine hospitality. We had the onsen set in the beautiful grounds and facing the forest all to ourselves and that was such an unmissable relaxing treat every morning. We could have happily stayed reading and relaxing in our room and soaking in the onsen the whole time, but we also really loved exploring the surrounding area with drop off and pick up to the train station by the accommodation and great suggestions for what to see from Maseyo. Perfect authentic place to begin (or end) walking the Nakasendo trail. We definitely will go back one day!
お宿 Onn 中津川
Excellent, clean and modern hotel, with simple and understated Japanese aesthetic and upscale design with many warm woods, in an interesting and very quiet older section of Nakatsugawa near the train station. Stayed here two nights. We went in our friend's car and there is parking provided nearby. Perfect base for your Nakasendo Trail/Old Post Towns. After we checked-in, we drove over to the nearby castle ruins for a quick hike and views. Professional and friendly staff, but as some English was limited when we were there, it is best to have your language app as a helpful tool. They need more information available in English print, especially since tourism is back and Japan is on the to-go, must-see list of many travelers. My bed was very comfortable and the private bathroom was perfect, with a wonderful shower that was great to use after a long day of hiking. A friend of mine used the Spa/Public Bath and loved it. There are good hotel free toiletries including great lotions, etc in the lobby area complimentary. They change the towels each day if you put yours in the bag provided at the door. For our day trip to Magome/Tsumago, we took our car to Magome and then hiked from Magome to Tsumago roundtrip and had a wonderful time! It was a pleasure to come back to a clean and simple yet modern hotel. While it is close to some restaurants, everything books quicker on the weekend due to the fact that many chefs only want to have enough food and not waste food, so suggest calling ahead to reserve. The hotel staff will give you suggestions and hopefully the restaurants will be available. If you have wheels you can drive out further from this section of town to the large supermarket or other restaurants. And if you are in Magome or Tsumago there are plenty of food choices for lunch and snacks. Breakfast buffet was excellent, and with good choices! Delicious! Of note, the Japanese tradition of shoes removal begins soon after you enter the hotel. Lockers for shoes are provided in lobby. They provide ”socks” (in the room, as I recall in your amenity bag, and there might have been ”slippers” ) but the beautiful wood floors in the public areas downstairs sometimes can be slippery. (This hotel needs additional photos for its TripAdvisor page. These current TripAdvisor photos do not present enough of the hotel, so google the hotel online for more photos. I currently see three photos.) Maybe just a few things to iron out over time as it is a newer hotel. They are trying and doing a good job and are very gracious and hospitable. We were even able to bring in our food we picked up for dinner and eat in the dining area on a night we were not able to get a restaurant. Excellent value for the money.
The Ryokan O
中津川市手賀野の19号線沿いあるチェーンのビジネスホテル 駐車場、Wifi、朝食は無料です、今回agoda経由で予約しましたが、6510円は納得の価格です。 朝食は品数が多くありますが、オープンの6時半から30分位は結構混みあっていて、入り口に10人以上の行列でした、7時以降は余裕が出てきました。 大浴場は温泉旅館と比べると小規模ですが、今回早い時間だった為か一人だったのでノンビリ疲れをとることが出来ました。 部屋は狭いのですが、この規模のビジネスホテルとしては平均的です、WOWOWが見れるのが良かったです。
中津川温泉 ホテル花更紗 Nakatsugawa Onsen HOTEL HANASARASA
元は公営だった宿泊施設を民間経営にしたホテルのようです。ゆえに、片田舎の宿にしては大箱でパブリックスペースなど、ゆったりしています。内観はそれなりに少々くたびれ感はありますが、清潔ですし、お値段を考えれば妥当なラインだと思います。お部屋は和室・ツイン・シングル(ダブル)・グランピングと多彩で、ファミリーにも、お一人様にも、対応可能です。 【お部屋】 お部屋は基本的に川向きですが、一部、屋根で川が見えない、眺望なしのお部屋があるそうです。川といっても普通に川ですし、その向こうに見える山も普通の山ですから、眺望にそうこだわるほどでもないかも、です。具体的にはホテルに電話して確認するのがよいでしょう。フロントの方は誠実に教えて下さいます。私は一人旅だったので4階のシングル室でしたが、エレベーターに近く、眺望もありました。 【お風呂】 シングルのお部屋にはユニットバスが付いていましたが、専ら温泉大浴場を使いました。脱衣所が広く、露天風呂もあり、かつ泉質もいいので私は大満足でした。宿泊者は隣接する日帰り温泉施設も使えるので、皆さんそちらに行かれるのか、ホテルの大浴場は常に私一人の貸し切り状態でした(4泊しましたけど…)。 【朝食】 コロナが気になるので、和食弁当をルームサービスしてくれるプランを使いました。1泊朝食付きで6500円ですからお値段なりの少々ショボい和食弁当でしたが、小食の私には充分でした。コロナ対策をさほど気にしない方なら、通常の食事処の朝食を選択した方がよいと思います。 【アクセス】 JR中津川駅から無料送迎バスがあります。路線バス(バス停はホテルから徒歩5分)と組み合わせれば、歩き旅でも、周辺の観光には不自由はありません。馬籠宿までは路線バスで7分です。
山×星×川の温泉宿 岩寿温泉旅館 岩寿荘


