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  • ホテルを検索



初めていきました ●部屋 喫煙ルームしか予約が取れなかったので その部屋だったのですが想像以上に タバコの匂いが部屋に染み付いてて 非常に臭かったです、、。 空気清浄機が置いてあったのでそれをつけたり、 窓を開けたりしても全く改善されず、、。 その他、浴槽の部屋が狭く、 東京の一人暮らしのアパートの バストイレが一緒の部屋と全く同じでした。 ●大浴場 大浴場のシャワーの水圧がかなりつよくて 痛いくらいでした。 温度調整も1mmほど動かすだけで 温度差が激しく、あつ!、とおもってまた1mm低くするとぬる、、という感じで かなり使いづらかったです。 また、女性の大浴場は化粧落としが脱衣所の 洗面台のところにあったので できれば大浴場のシャンプーが置いてあるところ と同じところに置いてあるとありがたかったです、、。 ●食事 朝食を2日間食べましたが、 白ご飯はパサパサで、 おかずは美味しいものもありましたが あまりそうでないもののほうが 多い気がしました、、。 フルーツはありません。 ●全体的な感想 建物、設備が古く、 食事もあんまりで快適には正直 過ごせませんでした。 ですが、スタッフの方は親切でよかったです。
最安値JPY 7,944
I had a horrible night in this hotel that started from the moment I arrived. (1) The ”forest view” rooms are actually a view right over the parking lot, and they intentionally don't show this on the website. So you have an open air bath on your balcony in full view of the parking lot. I never complain, but I asked for a different room because it was so horrible. The woman first said they had no rooms, so I said I'd rather have a refund and go to a different hotel. Then she said they have another room, magically, but I had to pay $200 to change rooms. Unbelieveable. Even once I changed rooms, there's still a heavily trafficked road just in front of the hotel, so you don't feel like you are in tranquil wilderness, just feels like being in the middle of town. Awful. (2) There is no room service breakfast. The website advertises room service breakfast and the menu in the room even says there is room service for breakfast. But I asked multiple people and they all said no, sorry, I had to go to the restaurant. Having a relaxing breakfast in my room is my favorite part of staying at a nice hotel - I would not have stayed here if I had known there is no room service breakfast. (3) Because there was no room service breakfast, I had to go to the restaurant in the morning. The hotel has two wings and you have to take two elevators to go to the restaurant. I took one elevator down to the lobby, then there was a woman standing guard in front of the other elevator. She said I couldn't enter the restaurant in my slippers which were in my room. I actually had to go back up the elevator to my room and put on my boots and then go to the restaurant again. It was unbelieveable. Insanity. (4) The website shows an outdoor camp area where you can have a drink and cook smores over an open fire in the evening. At check in they told me it was closed because it had snowed the previous day. That is the perfect time to have smores outside. I was so mad about this as well because it was a big part of the reason why I chose this hotel. Overall, this hotel has almost no customer service ability. They can't fix any problem and instead are very rude with you if you nicely ask for anything. The woman who dealt with me when I didn't want the parking lot view room was extremely rude, I've never seen anything like it before. This hotel is a disaster - I highly recommend you stay away!
最安値JPY 84,571
旅先の様々な魅力を発見したいお客様に、軽井沢森のいえ 晴れたらいいねは最適です。軽井沢森のいえ 晴れたらいいねは、御代田町でも指折りの素晴らしい宿泊施設の内の一つです。当施設から信濃追分駅まで6kmです。忙しい一日の締めくくりには、夜の街を楽しんだり、館内でくつろいだりしてお過ごしください。御代田町の当施設には、併設の駐車場があります。
最安値JPY 9,597
最安値JPY 9,468
最安値JPY 13,505
最安値JPY 85,173



初めていきました ●部屋 喫煙ルームしか予約が取れなかったので その部屋だったのですが想像以上に タバコの匂いが部屋に染み付いてて 非常に臭かったです、、。 空気清浄機が置いてあったのでそれをつけたり、 窓を開けたりしても全く改善されず、、。 その他、浴槽の部屋が狭く、 東京の一人暮らしのアパートの バストイレが一緒の部屋と全く同じでした。 ●大浴場 大浴場のシャワーの水圧がかなりつよくて 痛いくらいでした。 温度調整も1mmほど動かすだけで 温度差が激しく、あつ!、とおもってまた1mm低くするとぬる、、という感じで かなり使いづらかったです。 また、女性の大浴場は化粧落としが脱衣所の 洗面台のところにあったので できれば大浴場のシャンプーが置いてあるところ と同じところに置いてあるとありがたかったです、、。 ●食事 朝食を2日間食べましたが、 白ご飯はパサパサで、 おかずは美味しいものもありましたが あまりそうでないもののほうが 多い気がしました、、。 フルーツはありません。 ●全体的な感想 建物、設備が古く、 食事もあんまりで快適には正直 過ごせませんでした。 ですが、スタッフの方は親切でよかったです。
最安値JPY 7,944
I had a horrible night in this hotel that started from the moment I arrived. (1) The ”forest view” rooms are actually a view right over the parking lot, and they intentionally don't show this on the website. So you have an open air bath on your balcony in full view of the parking lot. I never complain, but I asked for a different room because it was so horrible. The woman first said they had no rooms, so I said I'd rather have a refund and go to a different hotel. Then she said they have another room, magically, but I had to pay $200 to change rooms. Unbelieveable. Even once I changed rooms, there's still a heavily trafficked road just in front of the hotel, so you don't feel like you are in tranquil wilderness, just feels like being in the middle of town. Awful. (2) There is no room service breakfast. The website advertises room service breakfast and the menu in the room even says there is room service for breakfast. But I asked multiple people and they all said no, sorry, I had to go to the restaurant. Having a relaxing breakfast in my room is my favorite part of staying at a nice hotel - I would not have stayed here if I had known there is no room service breakfast. (3) Because there was no room service breakfast, I had to go to the restaurant in the morning. The hotel has two wings and you have to take two elevators to go to the restaurant. I took one elevator down to the lobby, then there was a woman standing guard in front of the other elevator. She said I couldn't enter the restaurant in my slippers which were in my room. I actually had to go back up the elevator to my room and put on my boots and then go to the restaurant again. It was unbelieveable. Insanity. (4) The website shows an outdoor camp area where you can have a drink and cook smores over an open fire in the evening. At check in they told me it was closed because it had snowed the previous day. That is the perfect time to have smores outside. I was so mad about this as well because it was a big part of the reason why I chose this hotel. Overall, this hotel has almost no customer service ability. They can't fix any problem and instead are very rude with you if you nicely ask for anything. The woman who dealt with me when I didn't want the parking lot view room was extremely rude, I've never seen anything like it before. This hotel is a disaster - I highly recommend you stay away!
最安値JPY 84,571
旅先の様々な魅力を発見したいお客様に、軽井沢森のいえ 晴れたらいいねは最適です。軽井沢森のいえ 晴れたらいいねは、御代田町でも指折りの素晴らしい宿泊施設の内の一つです。当施設から信濃追分駅まで6kmです。忙しい一日の締めくくりには、夜の街を楽しんだり、館内でくつろいだりしてお過ごしください。御代田町の当施設には、併設の駐車場があります。
最安値JPY 9,597
最安値JPY 9,468
最安値JPY 13,505
最安値JPY 85,173



初めていきました ●部屋 喫煙ルームしか予約が取れなかったので その部屋だったのですが想像以上に タバコの匂いが部屋に染み付いてて 非常に臭かったです、、。 空気清浄機が置いてあったのでそれをつけたり、 窓を開けたりしても全く改善されず、、。 その他、浴槽の部屋が狭く、 東京の一人暮らしのアパートの バストイレが一緒の部屋と全く同じでした。 ●大浴場 大浴場のシャワーの水圧がかなりつよくて 痛いくらいでした。 温度調整も1mmほど動かすだけで 温度差が激しく、あつ!、とおもってまた1mm低くするとぬる、、という感じで かなり使いづらかったです。 また、女性の大浴場は化粧落としが脱衣所の 洗面台のところにあったので できれば大浴場のシャンプーが置いてあるところ と同じところに置いてあるとありがたかったです、、。 ●食事 朝食を2日間食べましたが、 白ご飯はパサパサで、 おかずは美味しいものもありましたが あまりそうでないもののほうが 多い気がしました、、。 フルーツはありません。 ●全体的な感想 建物、設備が古く、 食事もあんまりで快適には正直 過ごせませんでした。 ですが、スタッフの方は親切でよかったです。
最安値JPY 7,944
I had a horrible night in this hotel that started from the moment I arrived. (1) The ”forest view” rooms are actually a view right over the parking lot, and they intentionally don't show this on the website. So you have an open air bath on your balcony in full view of the parking lot. I never complain, but I asked for a different room because it was so horrible. The woman first said they had no rooms, so I said I'd rather have a refund and go to a different hotel. Then she said they have another room, magically, but I had to pay $200 to change rooms. Unbelieveable. Even once I changed rooms, there's still a heavily trafficked road just in front of the hotel, so you don't feel like you are in tranquil wilderness, just feels like being in the middle of town. Awful. (2) There is no room service breakfast. The website advertises room service breakfast and the menu in the room even says there is room service for breakfast. But I asked multiple people and they all said no, sorry, I had to go to the restaurant. Having a relaxing breakfast in my room is my favorite part of staying at a nice hotel - I would not have stayed here if I had known there is no room service breakfast. (3) Because there was no room service breakfast, I had to go to the restaurant in the morning. The hotel has two wings and you have to take two elevators to go to the restaurant. I took one elevator down to the lobby, then there was a woman standing guard in front of the other elevator. She said I couldn't enter the restaurant in my slippers which were in my room. I actually had to go back up the elevator to my room and put on my boots and then go to the restaurant again. It was unbelieveable. Insanity. (4) The website shows an outdoor camp area where you can have a drink and cook smores over an open fire in the evening. At check in they told me it was closed because it had snowed the previous day. That is the perfect time to have smores outside. I was so mad about this as well because it was a big part of the reason why I chose this hotel. Overall, this hotel has almost no customer service ability. They can't fix any problem and instead are very rude with you if you nicely ask for anything. The woman who dealt with me when I didn't want the parking lot view room was extremely rude, I've never seen anything like it before. This hotel is a disaster - I highly recommend you stay away!
最安値JPY 84,571
旅先の様々な魅力を発見したいお客様に、軽井沢森のいえ 晴れたらいいねは最適です。軽井沢森のいえ 晴れたらいいねは、御代田町でも指折りの素晴らしい宿泊施設の内の一つです。当施設から信濃追分駅まで6kmです。忙しい一日の締めくくりには、夜の街を楽しんだり、館内でくつろいだりしてお過ごしください。御代田町の当施設には、併設の駐車場があります。
最安値JPY 9,597
最安値JPY 9,468
最安値JPY 13,505
最安値JPY 85,173



I had a horrible night in this hotel that started from the moment I arrived. (1) The ”forest view” rooms are actually a view right over the parking lot, and they intentionally don't show this on the website. So you have an open air bath on your balcony in full view of the parking lot. I never complain, but I asked for a different room because it was so horrible. The woman first said they had no rooms, so I said I'd rather have a refund and go to a different hotel. Then she said they have another room, magically, but I had to pay $200 to change rooms. Unbelieveable. Even once I changed rooms, there's still a heavily trafficked road just in front of the hotel, so you don't feel like you are in tranquil wilderness, just feels like being in the middle of town. Awful. (2) There is no room service breakfast. The website advertises room service breakfast and the menu in the room even says there is room service for breakfast. But I asked multiple people and they all said no, sorry, I had to go to the restaurant. Having a relaxing breakfast in my room is my favorite part of staying at a nice hotel - I would not have stayed here if I had known there is no room service breakfast. (3) Because there was no room service breakfast, I had to go to the restaurant in the morning. The hotel has two wings and you have to take two elevators to go to the restaurant. I took one elevator down to the lobby, then there was a woman standing guard in front of the other elevator. She said I couldn't enter the restaurant in my slippers which were in my room. I actually had to go back up the elevator to my room and put on my boots and then go to the restaurant again. It was unbelieveable. Insanity. (4) The website shows an outdoor camp area where you can have a drink and cook smores over an open fire in the evening. At check in they told me it was closed because it had snowed the previous day. That is the perfect time to have smores outside. I was so mad about this as well because it was a big part of the reason why I chose this hotel. Overall, this hotel has almost no customer service ability. They can't fix any problem and instead are very rude with you if you nicely ask for anything. The woman who dealt with me when I didn't want the parking lot view room was extremely rude, I've never seen anything like it before. This hotel is a disaster - I highly recommend you stay away!
最安値JPY 84,571
初めていきました ●部屋 喫煙ルームしか予約が取れなかったので その部屋だったのですが想像以上に タバコの匂いが部屋に染み付いてて 非常に臭かったです、、。 空気清浄機が置いてあったのでそれをつけたり、 窓を開けたりしても全く改善されず、、。 その他、浴槽の部屋が狭く、 東京の一人暮らしのアパートの バストイレが一緒の部屋と全く同じでした。 ●大浴場 大浴場のシャワーの水圧がかなりつよくて 痛いくらいでした。 温度調整も1mmほど動かすだけで 温度差が激しく、あつ!、とおもってまた1mm低くするとぬる、、という感じで かなり使いづらかったです。 また、女性の大浴場は化粧落としが脱衣所の 洗面台のところにあったので できれば大浴場のシャンプーが置いてあるところ と同じところに置いてあるとありがたかったです、、。 ●食事 朝食を2日間食べましたが、 白ご飯はパサパサで、 おかずは美味しいものもありましたが あまりそうでないもののほうが 多い気がしました、、。 フルーツはありません。 ●全体的な感想 建物、設備が古く、 食事もあんまりで快適には正直 過ごせませんでした。 ですが、スタッフの方は親切でよかったです。
最安値JPY 7,944
旅先の様々な魅力を発見したいお客様に、軽井沢森のいえ 晴れたらいいねは最適です。軽井沢森のいえ 晴れたらいいねは、御代田町でも指折りの素晴らしい宿泊施設の内の一つです。当施設から信濃追分駅まで6kmです。忙しい一日の締めくくりには、夜の街を楽しんだり、館内でくつろいだりしてお過ごしください。御代田町の当施設には、併設の駐車場があります。
最安値JPY 9,597
最安値JPY 9,468

