ホテルからの返信: 👍👍👍The hotel is located in the center of Guangzhou ,the front desk service is very nice(酒店位於廣州市中心,前台服務很好)👍👍👍,感謝尊貴的您給我們的好評!“讓客人賓至如歸!滿意地離開!毫不猶豫地再來!——是我們的開店宗旨!酒店停車方便,離陳家祠地鐵站步行僅2分鐘,周邊吃喝玩樂......應有盡有!同時酒店還有性價比更高的房型供您下次入住體驗!祝您及您的家人:心想事成!萬事如意!再次感謝您的好評!好人一生平安!!!
Hatel at 3rd floor. At ground floor it's not looks like there is any hotel. Staff is polite and helpful. Breakfast you will get coupons you can redeem it at downstair one small restaurant, it's not comfortable at all.
Room was small, but ok it was clean.
From hotel 200 meters is good place for walking in evening, there is one Arabic restaurant name is Habibbee
Easy to get taxi or Didi booking.