Overall - our room is the 2nd last at the corridor and on the 1st night, it was so noisy (people were probably going through the emergency exit door). Didn't have a good night's sleep on the 1st night.
Location - expect around 30 min to 1.5 hours to go to any of the hit tourist destinations.
The hotel is located amongst residential and factory area. Quite a number of good restaurants around it though (try 밀량 국밥 and 부자집 쌈밥).
Ammenities - only clean towels are provided. Toothbrush, soap, body wash, shampoo, conditioner all have to be bought (at 2k won for hotel-sized bottles, at front desk) or you can bring your own or get them from Daiso.
Cleanliness - hotel is relatively new but needs more efforts to maintain the cleanliness. The sheets have stains and we even see strands of hair in the comforter.
it was recently built building but bathroom was terrible,,, you will get all the water over the floor and hair dryer was so heavy!!! everything there care about how it look fancy not quality
The hotel staff took my brand new Havaianas flipflops and refused to return them. I went especially to the hotel after the checkout.
Nuchii Natt
It’s so nice hotel
들어오는 길에 있는 cu와 방의 청결도, 침대, 가운 제공은 좋았지만 화장실을 제외하고 거울이 없고, 중앙난방인건지 에어컨을 켜도 얼마 못 가 꺼지고, 커튼이 자동 제어라 양 쪽이 같이 움직여서 한 쪽만 걷을 수 없는게 불편했습니다.
그리고 방 상세 정보에 제공된다고 되있던 샴푸, 컨디셔너, 비누가 비치가 안 되있어 물어보니 따로 제공 안 되고 구매해야 된다고 해서 당황스러웠습니다.
칫솔, 치약 등 일회용 제품을 제공 안 한다고 되있는건 면봉, 화장솜같은 제품을 제공 안 하고 샤워제품들은 다른 호텔들처럼 큰 제품들로 있는 줄 알았기 때문에 많이 아쉬웠습니다.