プロのホテルと比べて、古いファミリー向けホテルに泊まるのはお勧めできません。カジュアルで走り書きされた感じです。入り口で反応がありません。ロビーは狭くて憂鬱です。古いカーペットは汚れていて、よく手入れされていません。衛生状態はまあまあです。部屋はあまり綺麗ではありません。空調と音響が優れています。何よりも料亭ホテルの食事はどちらもです。味付けは砂糖を加えて煮るだけのシンプルで不味いです。1人2食で1800元です。共立グループの嘉雲の1500元の価値は非常に低いです。サービスも食事の質もこれよりずっと良いです。夕食の1階の個室は油煙の匂いがします。料理の順番がわかりにくいです。朝食のおばちゃん。 works スタッフが靴の手入れをしてくれたり、食事の提供に来てくれたりしました。ホテルの印象が悪かったので、温泉には入りませんでした。今は彩の亭に宿泊しています。清潔で、きちんとしていて、プロフェッショナルです。金沢茶家はホテルとは比較にならないが、スタッフは年配だが責任感が強いが、経営は良くない。
A superb stay in a modern ryokan. All the traditional service and dining you would hope for, a stone’s throw from the station. The staff were superb - they even clocked our sizes on check-in so my husband’s yukata in the room was 3XL!! Fabulous kaiseki meal and large breakfast. Fresh white bedding. Loved it all!!!
宿泊: 2024年6月
投稿: 2024年7月31日
Having never stayed at a ryokan, a traditional Japanese inn, this was an experience that we both thoroughly enjoyed. The Kanazawa Chaya is located a very short 3 min walk from the JR Kanazawa railway station and is easy to find. The Higashichaya Old Town, Kenrokuen Garden, and Omicho Market are also within easy walking distance. The entrance is through a small, landscaped portico area, which makes a perfect visual and mental separation from the streets outside. The lobby is spacious and equally tranquil. The staff were very helpful in explaining (in basic English) the various amenities of the hotel and assisting us through the check-in process. Our room was very spacious, with tatami flooring, sliding shoji paper doors, a delightful tokonoma, and a reasonable western-style bathroom. The low table at the centre of the room, replaced with a futon every night. We were provided a yukata set, comprising a yukata, yukata jacket, obi (belt), and socks. For the uninitiated these traditional garments function as a bathrobe, and loungewear – they can be worn to the onsen, dinner and breakfast, and even to bed as sleepwear. Our stay usually included an elaborate multi-course dinner, kaiseki ryori (Japanese haute cuisine), featuring local and seasonal specialities, and a traditional breakfast in the morning. Alcohol is not included but added to your bill. You will need to confirm the time for dinner and breakfast the day before your meal. We both enjoyed the use of the hotel’s onsen, another first for my wife, it was so refreshing after each day of sightseeing in the area. I would wholeheartedly recommend this ryokan experience to anyone travelling through Japan – we both felt lie treasured guests.