Located in the University campus area, it is clean and quiet! I slept as in my childhood, nor transport noise, neither other. Windows covered by tree leaves, wonderful. Stood one night only.
You can not get by caror taxi close to the hotel (or need to negotiate in advance).
Not comfortable issue can be, the common gate to the area blocks for the night. You could not get where in the deep night not disturbing guards.💂♂️
Accepts foreigners! 🤗
当施設から南京までわずか11km、禄口国際空港まで44kmと、交通が非常に便利です。雲南路からわずか数分、お気軽に市内観光にお出かけいただけます。付近にはLao Qian Studio (Pioneer Bookstore)や新街口繁華街、Jinling Hotel Asia-Pacific Business Building - Meeting Roomなどがあり、南京の観光に非常に便利な立地です。