











キャッスル ヴィラ バイ ザ シー

キャッスル ヴィラ バイ ザ シー

Unfortunately, it was not the relaxing getaway my fiancée and I thought it would be. We're not very hard to please and are happy to stay mostly anywhere as long as there's a comfy bed and quiet. We stayed two nights in the garden villa which was the most premium and expensive room on offer, expecting a secluded and private area to ourselves, which for the most part is what we got. Visually, the garden surrounding the villa is stunning with a delightful view of greenery and nature, and there is no one else who stays in that area behind the main building. The room itself was eclectic in decor which was a welcome change to stay somewhere with unique tastes as opposed to the usual and generic designs of modern accommodation. The spa in the room was great and worked very well, it was warm and the jets were functioning fine. However, we had the horrible luck of staying on two nights where there was a family, with children, staying directly above us. The ceiling feels like it's paper thin and you can hear every footstep that people are taking above, specifically when they walk down the hallway to use the bathroom (yes you can tell their movements due to the 10 - 12 steps they take followed soon after by the sound of a toilet flushing and then another 10 - 12 steps and someone going down stairs). This would usually be semi-bearable, as the occasional sound of someone walking back and forth is still annoying, but fine. But as mentioned earlier, there were children staying up there and they insisted on running back and forth down that hallway so many times throughout the day, and especially the early morning, that it became extremely frustrating to hear. I tried to take an afternoon nap when we arrived after being so exhausted from the travel and was woken up by the sound of thumping footsteps running back and forth. As these two nights were supposed to be our little getaway from our own kids, and a chance for us to have a relaxing sleep in, we wanted to nip this problem in the bud immediately. We reported the noise to the proprietor Jenni on the first night, Jenni was very friendly and assured us that she would speak to the family about the kids' running around. We later spoke over the phone again to the other proprietor, Harley who was also very friendly (and characteristically humourous) about the situation, reassuring us that the family had been spoken to. Harley also mentioned that the family was in fact, their own family visiting from the UK (as this site also appears to be the actual residence of the two proprietors). I am unsure of the logistics of this situation, but personally, I believe that having your own family members stay at the location, but cause disruption to the paying customers, is an unfair and detrimental business decision. The next morning I was woken up at approximately 7:00am to the sound of children's feet running back and forth and thumping above me again. Not just to the bathroom but just constant back and forth through a






Ventnor Beach



ノース ピア ホテル

ノース ピア ホテル

ダブルクイーンベッドのベイビュールームに宿泊しました。3人家族でとても広かったです。場所は完璧で、絵のようなコーズビーチに面しており、コーズショップからわずか数分、すべての島々のアトラクションから車ですぐです。私は私たちがビストロに近かったので、私たちが望むならそこで食べることができました。部屋はいつもきれいでした。ジャグジーはいつも気持ちの良いタッチです。とても快適に動作します。 ただいくつかの批判。私たちのケトルは到着時に機能しなかったので、到着する前にいくつかの家電製品をチェックするべきだと思います。部屋にはACと暖房があり、良いのですが、ガラスのドアの後にセキュリティメッシュがある場合は、ガラスのスライドドアを開けずに換気を許可し、ドアに追加のセキュリティを追加できると思います。 また、一階のベイビューを割り当てられました。ビストロのすぐ隣にあり、外に出て椅子に座るとあまりプライベートではありません。おそらく、レベル2または3を選ぶオプションは、ビューでも良いでしょう。予約にはそうする方法があるかもしれません。そうでなければ、レセプションに電話すれば、彼らはそれを整理するのに役立ちます。私たちはTrip.comでオンラインで予約しませんでした。 全体的に非常に快適な滞在、レセプションは親切で、ケトルを交換し、部屋は常にきちんと整頓されていました。間違いなく戻ってくるでしょう。 サイドノート 駐車場は、駐車場が2つの駐車場を占有したい場合、他のゲストが自分の部屋に近い駐車場を駐車するのがより簡単である場合があります。
キャッスル ヴィラ バイ ザ シー

キャッスル ヴィラ バイ ザ シー

Unfortunately, it was not the relaxing getaway my fiancée and I thought it would be. We're not very hard to please and are happy to stay mostly anywhere as long as there's a comfy bed and quiet. We stayed two nights in the garden villa which was the most premium and expensive room on offer, expecting a secluded and private area to ourselves, which for the most part is what we got. Visually, the garden surrounding the villa is stunning with a delightful view of greenery and nature, and there is no one else who stays in that area behind the main building. The room itself was eclectic in decor which was a welcome change to stay somewhere with unique tastes as opposed to the usual and generic designs of modern accommodation. The spa in the room was great and worked very well, it was warm and the jets were functioning fine. However, we had the horrible luck of staying on two nights where there was a family, with children, staying directly above us. The ceiling feels like it's paper thin and you can hear every footstep that people are taking above, specifically when they walk down the hallway to use the bathroom (yes you can tell their movements due to the 10 - 12 steps they take followed soon after by the sound of a toilet flushing and then another 10 - 12 steps and someone going down stairs). This would usually be semi-bearable, as the occasional sound of someone walking back and forth is still annoying, but fine. But as mentioned earlier, there were children staying up there and they insisted on running back and forth down that hallway so many times throughout the day, and especially the early morning, that it became extremely frustrating to hear. I tried to take an afternoon nap when we arrived after being so exhausted from the travel and was woken up by the sound of thumping footsteps running back and forth. As these two nights were supposed to be our little getaway from our own kids, and a chance for us to have a relaxing sleep in, we wanted to nip this problem in the bud immediately. We reported the noise to the proprietor Jenni on the first night, Jenni was very friendly and assured us that she would speak to the family about the kids' running around. We later spoke over the phone again to the other proprietor, Harley who was also very friendly (and characteristically humourous) about the situation, reassuring us that the family had been spoken to. Harley also mentioned that the family was in fact, their own family visiting from the UK (as this site also appears to be the actual residence of the two proprietors). I am unsure of the logistics of this situation, but personally, I believe that having your own family members stay at the location, but cause disruption to the paying customers, is an unfair and detrimental business decision. The next morning I was woken up at approximately 7:00am to the sound of children's feet running back and forth and thumping above me again. Not just to the bathroom but just constant back and forth through a


Right Point






トリップドットコムでは、Phillip Islandのおすすめホテルをお得な宿泊料金で多数にご用意しております。Phillip Islandの人気ホテルを探すなら、トリップドットコムにお任せください。Phillip Islandは非常に人気な観光都市です。Phillip Islandを堪能するには、1日~2日の旅程を組んだほうがよろしいかと思います。オーストラリアへ旅行するなら、Phillip Islandはとても良い選択です。

Phillip Islandに空港がないため、周辺都市の空港を利用して、列車やバスなどで来られます。Phillip Islandのバス交通網非常に発達しており,毎日多数のバスが周辺都市へアクセスしています。

Phillip Islandを旅行する際に、約32軒おすすめホテルを選択することができます。Phillip Islandの地元の特別ホテルは、訪問者に異なる新しい体験を味わうことができます。Phillip IslandRhyll Haven Luxury Apartments and B&Bは最も人気が高いホテルです。なかなか宿泊先を決められないお客様に、Island Daze Surf Beach Phillip Islandをおすすめします。
