静岡県の新城の温泉にきました! 川の流れと自然に囲まれた温泉が魅力的な所です。 今回は貸切風呂とランチが付いたコースを頂きました。 お肉中心のランチも美味しく、貸切風呂も一人でゆっくりできました。 和風の年期が入ったお風呂がほんとに素敵で、外には川が流れていて、みみをすませば川の流れの音が聞こえます。 I visited an onsen in Shinshiro, Shizuoka Prefecture! It's a charming place, surrounded by nature and the flow of a river. This time, I opted for a package that included a private bath and lunch. The lunch, which was mainly meat dishes, was delicious, and I was able to relax by myself in the private bath. The Japanese-style bath, showing signs of wear, was truly lovely, and outside, there was a flowing river. If you listen carefully, you can hear the sound of the water flowing.