Sai shree needs a lot of improvement and first they should start to show willingness to provide service and hire staff. They have 2 managers - one for day, one for night shift and two person in support staff - again one for night, one for day. Once they improve on this, they should repair hotel rooms, specially washrooms need lots of repair - replace rusty taps and flushes, apply putty on walls and paint. Inf-act they need to repair the door of room 204 specially. Then regular cleaning of rooms, so guest don’t spot cockroaches roaming in the room. Install set top box, do regular inspection, focus on room maintenance and quality of stay. They could start providing ala carte room services. For even tea, they ask customers to come to reception, the major reason is that they don't have an in-house restaurant. I encourage them to transform themselves and their property, adopt empathy and succeed.