ホテルからの返信: Dear Changjingluren,Thank you for staying at Wink SG.We are so happy that you enjoyed your stay with us!We’re really grateful and appreciate you taking the time to share your experience with us.We will convey your feedback to our management.We hope to have the chance to welcome you again!Thank you!Sincerely,Wink SG Capsule Hostel
ホテルからの返信: Dear Xiaowang2587,Thank you for staying at Wink SG.We are so happy that you enjoyed your stay with us!We’re really grateful and appreciate you taking the time to share your experience with us.We will convey your feedback to our management.We hope to have the chance to welcome you again!Thank you!Sincerely,Wink SG Capsule Hostel
ホテルからの返信: 親愛的 Miya,感謝您選擇 Wink Capsule Hotel @ McCallum Street 並抽空留下寶貴的評價!我們很高興得知您對酒店的整體環境、便利的位置以及我們的免費早餐和行李寄存服務感到滿意。很高興有說中文的員工能為您提供幫助,讓您的入住更加方便。關於您提到的毛巾被較薄和房門自動關閉聲響較大的問題,我們非常重視,並會進一步評估改進,以提升住客的舒適度和睡眠品質。期待未來再次為您服務。如果您有其他建議或需求,請隨時與我們聯繫!祝好,Wink Team @ McCallum Street