「ペット同伴で大丈夫」と思い込み訪問させていただきました。 ところがオーナーが変わったということで、「伊豆ワン倶楽部」ではなく、 「伊豆One倶楽部」というということです。まさかの「ワン」違い!! このトリップAdvisorの口コミを元に訪問したのですが、以前のオーナーの「伊豆ワン倶楽部」ではペットOKだったけど、「伊豆One倶楽部」では駄目だということ。都内からわざわざきたのに「うちは一才ペットだめ」の一点張り。 さらには過去に私達のように「ペットが大丈夫だと勘違いしてきた人もいた」との事。ホテルの内装もペットがかも大丈夫かと勘違いさせるような部屋のデザイン。館内も可愛い猫ちゃんがお散歩するなど「え??ペット大丈夫な雰囲気全開じゃん??」と思わせておいて、まさかの「うちペット駄目ですから」と急に言われる始末。 「ペットがOKな旨は楽天の予約サイトに一才書いていませんから。」 と片言な日本語で説明され。。。。」 確かに「ペットがOK」とはどこにも書いていませんが、「ペットが駄目」との強調した文章もどこにもみられません。 一応、こんなこともあるかなあ。と一抹の不安はあったので、前日に電話しようと思ったのですが、「繋がる電話番号がない」という状態。 せめて電話でペットが大丈夫かどうかをすぐ確認できればこのような事はなかったのですが、車で渋滞の中3時間以上かけてきたのにこのような対応をされとても悲しい気持ちになりました。 日本語もあまり通じませんでしたし、さらには日本の文化及び考え方が通じないようで悲しい気持ちになりました。コンセプトが大きく変わるようでしたらそもそも「伊豆One倶楽部」という紛らわしい名前をつけるをやめたらどうでしょうか?? SEO対策かなんかわかりませんが、私のような二次災害が生まれることがないように願います。 I visited the hotel under the assumption that I could bring my pet along. However, I was told that the owner had changed and that the name was no longer ”伊豆ワン倶楽部” but ”伊豆One倶楽部. It's funny, the pronouciation is exactly the same!! Based on this TripAdvisor review, I visited Izu One Club, but the previous owner's ”伊豆ワン倶楽部” allowed pets, but not ””伊豆One倶楽部.”. We came all the way from Tokyo, but the owner insisted, ”We don't allow any pets. Furthermore, they told us that there had been people like us in the past who had mistakenly come to the hotel thinking that pets were okay. The interior design of the hotel also made us think that pets were okay. The hotel also has a cute cat strolling around, giving the impression that ”What? Pets are allowed in the hotel. But then they suddenly said, ”We don't allow pets in our rooms. He didn't say anything about pets being allowed on the Rakuten reservation site,” he explained in broken Japanese. He explained in broken Japanese, ”It doesn't say that pets are allowed on Rakuten's reservation site. 。。。。 It is true that ”pets are allowed” is not written anywhere, but there is also no sentence emphasizing that ”pets are not allowed” anywhere. In the meantime, I wondered if this could be the case. I was a little concerned, so I decided to call the day before, but there was ”no phone number to call”. If I could have at least called to check if my pet was OK, this would have been avoided, but I was very sad to hear this kind of response after driving more than 3 hours in traffic. I felt sad that I drove over 3 hours in traffic and was treated in such a way. If you are going to change your concept so drastically, why don't you stop giving it a confusing name ”Izu One Club” in the first place? I don't know if it is for SEO or what, but I hope that there will not be a second disaster like mine.
This was my best stay yet.
1. Clean and traditional room
2. Private onsen bath
3. Free drink machine
1. 30 mins walk away from station
(Good if you miss the last bus, bad if you hate/ can’t walk so much)
Friendly people. We communicated with Google translate which worked well. Gave us a lift to the station and the local supermarket which was a long way away.Place was clean and large with cooking facilities. Unfortunately not too good for local transport and restaurants . Really need a car to explore this beautiful area.