ホテルからの返信: Zunächst möchten wir uns im Namen des gesamten Praga Hotel-Teams dafür bedanken, dass Sie sich für unser Hotel entschieden und Ihre Eindrücke mit uns geteilt haben. An dieser Stelle möchten wir uns bei Ihnen für Ihre Kommentare zu unseren Dienstleistungen und Mitarbeitern bedanken. Wir hoffen, dass wir die Gelegenheit haben, Sie in unserem Hotel wiederzusehen und Ihnen den höchsten Qualitätsstandard zu bieten. Wir freuen uns auf ein Wiedersehen in unserem Hotel. Bechruz Yarkulov Vertriebs- und Marketingmanager Praga Hotel
ホテルからの返信: First of all, on behalf of all from Praga Hotel team let us thank you for choosing our hotel and sharing with us your impressions. Taking this opportunity we would like to thank you for your comments regarding our services and staff. We do hope that we will have the chance to see you again in our hotel and assist you with the highest standard of quality service. Looking forward to seeing you again in our hotel. Bekhruz Yarkulov Sales & Marketing Manager Praga Hotel
ホテルからの返信: First of all, on behalf of all from Praga Hotel team let us thank you for choosing our hotel and sharing with us your impressions. Taking this opportunity we would like to thank you for your comments regarding our services and staff. We do hope that we will have the chance to see you again in our hotel and assist you with the highest standard of quality service. Looking forward to seeing you again in our hotel. Bekhruz Yarkulov Sales & Marketing Manager Praga Hotel
ホテルからの返信: First of all, on behalf of all from Praga Hotel team let us thank you for choosing our hotel and sharing with us your impressions. Taking this opportunity we would like to thank you for your comments regarding our services and staff. We do hope that we will have the chance to see you again in our hotel and assist you with the highest standard of quality service. Looking forward to seeing you again in our hotel. Bekhruz Yarkulov Sales & Marketing Manager Praga Hotel
快適なブティック ホテル。とても清潔。スタッフも素晴らしく、とても親切です。初日に現地通貨を持っていなかったので、マネージャーが町に行くお金を貸してくれました。ビジネスで行くには最高の立地です。空港への送迎も迅速です。ホテルの Web サイトから予約して、最安値で予約してください。
ホテルからの返信: First of all, on behalf of all from Praga Hotel team let us thank you for choosing our hotel and sharing with us your impressions. Taking this opportunity we would like to thank you for your comments regarding our services and staff. We do hope that we will have the chance to see you again in our hotel and assist you with the highest standard of quality service. Looking forward to seeing you again in our hotel. Bekhruz Yarkulov Sales & Marketing Manager Praga Hotel