送迎のあるAir Sagaの厳選ホテルをご覧ください

Air Sagaのホテル宿泊者の口コミを見る

Bahamas Hotel & Resort Belitung
NIGHTMARE, DANGEROUS, NOT LIVABLE SPACE Regrettably, I hastily chose this hotel due to a late airport arrival. This decision, made without thorough research into the hotel’s current condition, is one I deeply regret. Health and Safety Issues: It’s astonishing that this establishment continues to operate with the approval of the health and building department. A staggering 99% of the rooms are afflicted with flooding, structural issues, and a pervasive moldy odor. The rooms are also infested with mosquitoes and bedbugs (see pictures). The walls are deteriorating, with plaster peeling off, creating a dangerous environment for any occupant. Electrical Hazards: The coffee maker in my room, which I had filled and plugged in, started emitting a foul, burning smell. Upon inspection, I found that it had failed to shut off automatically. The wires were melting, and I sustained burns on my hand from the steam. This poses a serious fire risk and a danger to guests. Pest Infestation: I was tormented by bed bugs and mosquitoes throughout the night, making sleep impossible. Poor Hygiene: The bedding and pillow covers were in a questionable state, and it was unclear when they had last been laundered. The bathroom floors were covered in mildew and mold, indicative of severe neglect. Noise Pollution: Adjacent to the hotel is a club emitting deafening noise that vibrated through the walls, disturbing the peace of my room. Upon contacting the front desk, I was informed dismissively that it was merely karaoke. Hours later, at 1:30 AM, the noise persisted at intolerable levels. When I approached the club to request a volume reduction, I was met with indifference and an escalation in volume. The security attempted to intimidate me, and I observed a group of individuals in a back room, seemingly engaged in illicit activities, who retreated at the sight of my protest. Desperate for respite, I pleaded with the hotel staff for a room change. The young attendant, seemingly inexperienced, claimed there were no available rooms. It was not until 2:30 AM that a room was begrudgingly offered, albeit marginally better in terms of noise but still infested with pests. Conclusion: With no sleep and a growing sense of fury, I inspected other areas of the hotel only to find it riddled with structural damage, mold, bedbugs, mosquoites and hazardous materials such as asbestos and lead. The building is in dire need of demolition rather than serving guests. It appears that only three rooms are maintained in a serviceable condition. It is a disgrace that such a facility is allowed to continue operations. I implore potential guests to diligently read through critical Google reviews before considering a stay at this hotel in Belitung.
ラ ルシア ブティック ホテル バイ プラサンティ
2020年12月にこのホテルに来ました。全体的に、これは素晴らしいホテルです。清潔でミニマリストのクールなデザインと素晴らしい海の見える部屋。スタッフはフレンドリーで親切で、よくサービスをしようとします。価格もリーズナブルです。Instagrammable スペースがあるので、Instagram の写真をたくさん撮ることができます。


  • にある送迎併設の人気ホテルを教えてください

    への出張にもバカンスにも、ラ ルシア ブティック ホテル バイ プラサンティBahamas Hotel & Resort Belitung は全ておすすめのホテルです。

  • にある送迎が併設されたホテルの平均宿泊料金を教えてください

    にある送迎併設のホテルの平日の平均価格はAUD 47、週末(金~土曜日)の平均価格はAUD 47です。

  • にある送迎併設のホテルで利用可能なキャンペーンを教えてください



最高値AUD 73
最安値AUD 30
平均価格(平日)AUD 47
平均価格(週末)AUD 47