Province of Cagliari

Province of Cagliari バルコニー付きホテルを検索


とても素晴らしい 4.5以上素晴らしい 4.0以上とても良い 3.5以上良い 3.0以上

Province of Cagliari バルコニー付きホテルのおすすめ157軒

コンラッド キア ラグーナ サルディニア
コンラッド キア ラグーナ サルディニアコンラッド キア ラグーナ サルディニア
Province of Cagliari周辺のホテル
コンラッド キア ラグーナ サルディニアは2022年に開業、Setti Ballasに滞在するお客様にお勧めです。当施設はCagliari Train Stationから50km、エルマス空港から57kmです。付近にはSpiaggia di Cala CipollaやChia、スピアッジャ・ディ・モンテ・コゴニなどがあり、Setti Ballasの観光に非常に便利な立地です。館内の様々な施設で、有意義にお過ごしいただけます。お車をご利用のお客様は、Setti Ballasの当施設提供の駐車場をご利用いただけます。

ゲスト 2024.08.04
Residence le Fontane
Residence le FontaneResidence le Fontane
Province of Cagliari周辺のホテル
慌しい一日の終わりには、Residence le Fontaneでおくつろぎください。Residence le Fontaneは、ヴィッラシミーウスの現地の雰囲気を感じたいお客様にお勧めの施設です。当施設からCagliari Santa Gilla Railway Stationまで約65kmです。最寄の鉄道駅はCagliari Santa Gilla Railway Station、当施設から約65kmで、列車ご利用のお客様にお勧めです。付近には、Air Sub Diving VillasimiusやInternet Point Villasimius Cartucce e Toner per stampanti、Stadio di Villasimiusなど、ヴィッラシミーウスの多くの観光名所があります。お時間に余裕のあるお客様は、館内の様々な施設をぜひご利用ください。ヴィッラシミーウスの当施設のお客様は、駐車場をご利用いただけます。
ホテル シミウス プラヤ
ホテル シミウス プラヤホテル シミウス プラヤ
Province of Cagliari周辺のホテル
慌しい一日の終わりには、ホテル シミウス プラヤでおくつろぎください。ホテル シミウス プラヤは、ヴィッラシミーウスでも指折りの素晴らしい宿泊施設の内の一つです。当施設からCagliari Santa Gilla Railway Stationまで約68kmです。最寄の鉄道駅はCagliari Santa Gilla Railway Station、当施設から約68kmの距離です。付近にはコムナーレ・ジャンカルロ・ブッシ公園やSpiaggia Serr'e Morus、Stagno di Notteriなどがあり、ヴィッラシミーウスの観光に非常に便利な立地です。長い一日の終わりには、館内施設でくつろぐのもお勧めです。お車をご利用のお客様は、ヴィッラシミーウスの当施設提供の駐車場をご利用いただけます。ヴィッラシミーウスのホテルの中でも、ホテル シミウス プラヤはそのすばらしい設備で高評価をいただいております。

ゲスト 2021.08.22
私たちはホテルシミウスプラヤに5泊しました。レストランでは素晴らしい朝食、ランチ、夕食を提供しています。素晴らしいピザ、素晴らしいペインカラサウ、そして死ぬためのスープ。レストランとレセプションのスタッフはとてもフレンドリーで、私たちはいつも私たちが快適であることを確認するために余分な努力をしたいです。 Giovanniとチームはそこで素晴らしい仕事をしています。部屋は清潔で、常にきれいに保たれています。また、ビーチのプライベートセクションには、私が今まで見た中で最も清潔で澄んだ水があります。私たちはほとんどの時間をそこで過ごしました。ライフガードもとても親切でフレンドリーで、常に質問をし、ビーチの周りに私たちを見せてくれることを喜んでいます。残念ながら、私たちは通常、厳格なビーガンダイエットにされているので、ホテルだけでなく、村の一般的な地域で食べるために多くの健康なプロチエンを見つけるために苦労しました - 私たちはチーズを食べることに終わりました。ホテルのレストランは一度(1泊)素晴らしいチキンピースープを提供しましたが。このようなオプションの多くは、私たちのようなゲストに大いに感謝されます!また、特に朝食ビュッフェは言及する価値があります。フルーツ、シリアル、ドリンクなど素晴らしい選択。チームもミルクを飲まないので、リクエストすると大豆ヨーグルトを見つけるほど親切でした。イタリアの規制では、自分で食べ物を選ぶのではなく、サービスを受けることが求められているため、ビュッフェエリアはコーヴィッドでなければさらに良いでしょう。全体的に、素晴らしい経験。私は強くお勧めします!
Province of Cagliari
ホテル サンタ ジーラ
ホテル サンタ ジーラホテル サンタ ジーラ
Province of Cagliari周辺のホテル
ホテル サンタ ジーラはカポテッラにあり、モンテ アルコズ自然保護区やポート オブ カリアリは車 15 分です。 このホテルは、サン レミーの要塞まで 17.2 km、シタデル博物館まで 17.3 km の場所に位置しています。 3 つのスパ用浴槽で泳いだり、あるいは24 時間営業のフィットネス施設などその他のレクリエーション設備をご利用いただくこともできます。その他の設備としてこのホテルでは、WiFi (無料)、コンシェルジュ サービス、ウェディングサービスをご利用いただけます。 このホテルのレストラン、Il Fenicotteroでは、ディナーを提供してます。客室でルームサービスを利用することもできます。バー / ラウンジまたはビーチバーで、お好きなドリンクを飲みながらおくつろぎいただけます。無料のコンチネンタル ブレックファストを毎日、7:00 ~ 10:00 までお召し上がりいただけます。 エクスプレス チェックアウト、ドライクリーニング / ランドリー サービス、24 時間対応フロントデスクをお使いいただけます。空港送迎シャトルサービスをご利用いただけます (有料)。セルフパーキング (無料)も備わっています。 全部で 71 ある冷房完備の客室にはミニバー、薄型テレビなどが備わっており、ゆっくりおくつろぎいただけます。WiFi (無料)をお使いいただけるほか、ケーブルの番組をご覧いただけます。浴槽またはシャワー付きのバスルームが備わっています。電話の他に、セーフティボックスやデスクもご利用いただけます。

CCamilleriPaul 2023.06.10
あなたの場所は素晴らしく、あなたのサービスはとてもプロフェッショナルです おもてなしと歓迎に感謝します 私たちはあなたが私たちとしたことに本当に感謝しています。 続けてください 私たちは戻ってきます 私たちは友人とみんなと一緒にあなたを強くお勧めします🙏
クルックリウス リゾート
クルックリウス リゾートクルックリウス リゾート
Province of Cagliari周辺のホテル
旅先の様々な魅力を発見したいお客様に、クルックリウス リゾートは最適です。クルックリウス リゾートは、ヴィッラシミーウスの現地の雰囲気を感じたいお客様にお勧めの施設です。当施設はエルマス空港から約59km、Cagliari Santa Gilla Railway Stationから59kmの場所にあります。付近のエリアには、Spiaggia Cuccureddusやinsediamento fenicio e romano di Cuccureddus、Piscadeddus - Roccia della murenaなどの多くの観光名所があり、充実した時間をお過ごしいただけます。館内の様々な施設で、有意義にお過ごしいただけます。ヴィッラシミーウスの当施設には、併設の駐車場があります。お客様のレビューによると、このホテルの施設は最高レベルです。
ホテル イタリア
ホテル イタリアホテル イタリア
Province of Cagliari周辺のホテル
イタリアはカリアリのビーチの近くにあり、ポート オブ カリアリ、カリアリ市庁舎は徒歩で 5 分も離れていません。 このホテルは、ポエット ビーチまで 11.2 km、チャーチ オブ サント セポルクロまで 0.1 km の場所にあります。 フィットネスセンターなどのレクリエーション設備のほか、WiFi (無料)、コンシェルジュ サービスなどの設備をご利用いただけます。 お食事はレストランでお召し上がりください。客室から、このホテルのルームサービス (営業時間限定)をご利用いただくこともできます。1 日の終わりは、バー / ラウンジで 1 杯飲んで楽しみましょう。無料のビュッフェを毎日、7:00 ~ 10:30 までお召し上がりいただけます。 24 時間対応フロントデスク、荷物保管サービス、ランドリー設備をお使いいただけます。カリアリでのイベント開催には、このホテル の会議スペース、2 室の会議室など総面積 3 平方メートル (30 平方フィート) のイベント設備をご利用いただけます。 全部で 100 室ある客室には、ミニバーがあります。WiFi (無料)をお使いいただけるほか、衛星放送の番組をご覧いただけます。浴槽またはシャワーのある専用バスルームには、バスアメニティ (無料)、ヘアドライヤーが備わっています。セーフティボックス、デスクをご利用いただけ、ハウスキーピング サービスは、毎日行われます。

I would highly recommend Hotel Italia. The rooms are pretty plain and simple , but clean and the bathroom has an excellent shower and modern fittings. The air conditioning worked really well and there is a fridge stocked with a few free drinks which was nice. Some of the rooms have balconies. There are no tea and coffee making facilities in the room and only paper cups to drink from. The breakfast room/bar is nice and light and spacious and there is a lovely terrace area to sit outside. It was a bid odd that the terrace is closed between 10.30am and 12 noon, but the rest of the time it is open and we enjoyed a few cocktails there. All the staff were really friendly and helpful and the location of the hotel is really central. It is on a pedestrianised street so no traffic noise, we were on the 4th floor so well away from any street noise at all. Our only disappointment was the quality of the breakfast. Hot water and black coffee are put out in large silver urns at 7am with no insulation or heating, so by around 9am they are tepid. Consequently everyone was ordering fresh drinks from the coffee machine at the bar, which are great and for no extra charge, however it meant that one of the 2 breakfast staff was fully occupied making hot drinks. Therefore food on the buffet was frequently running out and not replenished. The choice on the buffet was quite poor. It would have been lovely to have some fresh, sliced tomatoes and also better quality bread. The pineapple being served was almost rotten. The cakes looked good. One of our party was Vegan and all they could offer was some gluten free cakes, dry crackers and bread. As we hadn’t made them aware beforehand of this, we hoped that once they were aware they may have provided something better the next days, but unfortunately not. Despite breakfast, I would still recommend this hotel for an excellent value stay in Cagliari! De
ホテル カリフォ
ホテル カリフォホテル カリフォ
Province of Cagliari周辺のホテル
慌しい一日の終わりには、ホテル カリフォでおくつろぎください。ホテル カリフォは、クアルトゥ・サンテーレナの現地の雰囲気を感じたいお客様にお勧めの施設です。Cagliari Train Stationとエルマス空港が、それぞれ17kmと21kmの距離にあります。付近にはPanorama di Via TurbineやBelvedere sul Golfo degli Angeli、Fitness Club Bellavistaなどがあり、クアルトゥ・サンテーレナの観光に非常に便利な立地です。お時間に余裕のあるお客様は、館内の様々な施設をぜひご利用ください。クアルトゥ・サンテーレナの当施設のお客様は、駐車場をご利用いただけます。

Unfortunately, this hotel is situated between a busy road and a very ugly, large stoned beach, which is accessible via a very dirty and unattractive housing estate. You have to cross the busy road to get to the bus stop if you want to go into Cagliari, but first need to buy your tickets from the tobacconists. The road is extremely dangerous to cross, as there are no traffic lights only zebra crossings, and you feel as if you are taking your life into your own hands every time you cross it, particularly as so few drivers appear to want to stop for you at all! This is also unfortunate, because there is a restaurant on the other side of that road, which offers considerably better food than the hotel. The breakfast at the hotel was the same thing every morning. Pastries that didn't look or taste fresh. No cold milk for the cereal and 2 types of cheap meat with the same tasteless cheese. Nor was the fruit juice fresh, which is the least I would expect in a hotel that claims to be of such a high standard. The staff in the hotel were always pleasant, but on asking for more milk in my hot chocolate, I was shocked to find that whilst I had been given just that, they hadn't the sense to ensure the drink was reheated! Lukewarm hot chocolate is not pleasant! On another occasion, we asked for tea and they forgot the tea bag! One evening we ate dinner in the hotels restaurant. The price was €25 per head, and once again we were disappointed. A lack of choice. Food items that didn't go well together. Small portions, and no fresh vegetables to accompany our main course. The food was also lukewarm! With such food on offer, and the high cost of eating out at other nearby eateries (I think there were 2), it's no wonder we saw people coming back to the hotel with takeaway burgers and pizza, which of course, they were not permitted to eat on the hotel's terrace, so had to retreat to their rooms in order to consume it! As trying the local cuisine plays an important role for me, this didn't seem like much of a holiday and added further to my disappointment! Thankfully, we were only in this hotel for a week, but this felt like too long! The internal decoration inside the hotel was a bit dated, but there was some lovely art work displayed in the main communal areas, which provided a much needed lift from the look of the rest of it - including the rooms. Our room was immaculate- as was the whole of the hotel - however, it lacked a modern feel and was also lacking in basic maintenance. The shower head holder fell out of the wall on the first evening, and the towel rail looked as if it was soon to follow. We informed reception, and both matters were dealt with the next day. We also used the hotel's pool a few times during our stay, and it's presence was definitely a bonus given the ugliness of the nearby beach. I enjoyed laying by the poolside and found the pool provided a very pleasant swim in a relaxing environment- that is until the very last hour that I spent ou
エリアントス ホテル
エリアントス ホテルエリアントス ホテル
Province of Cagliari周辺のホテル
旅先の様々な魅力を発見したいお客様に、エリアントス ホテルは最適です。エリアントス ホテルは、サンタ・マルゲリータ・ディ・プーラでも指折りの素晴らしい宿泊施設の内の一つです。Cagliari Train Stationとエルマス空港が、それぞれ41kmと48kmの距離にあります。付近にはForte ArenaやTorre di Cala d'Ostia、Spiaggia di Cala d'Ostiaなどがあり、サンタ・マルゲリータ・ディ・プーラの観光に非常に便利な立地です。お時間に余裕があるお客様には、館内の様々な施設でお過ごしいただくのもお勧めです。サンタ・マルゲリータ・ディ・プーラの当施設には、駐車場が併設されています。レビューでは、このホテルの施設はすばらしいと評判で、退屈せずにお過ごしいただけます。
サン & サルディニア
サン & サルディニアサン & サルディニア
Province of Cagliari周辺のホテル
旅先の様々な魅力を発見したいお客様に、サン & サルディニアは最適です。サン & サルディニアは、モンセッラートの現地の雰囲気を感じたいお客様にお勧めの施設です。当施設からエルマス空港まで約10km、Cagliari Santa Gilla Railway Stationまで約10km、移動に便利です。付近のエリアには、TMM Teatro Moderno di Monserratoやエクス・ヴェトレリア公園、Impianto Sportivo Paluna di San Lussorioなどの多くの観光名所があり、充実した時間をお過ごしいただけます。お時間に余裕のあるお客様は、館内の様々な施設をぜひご利用ください。モンセッラートの当施設のお客様は、駐車場をご利用いただけます。レビューでは、このホテルの施設はすばらしいと評判で、退屈せずにお過ごしいただけます。
ス レウナクシウ
ス レウナクシウス レウナクシウ
Province of Cagliari周辺のホテル
ソレーミニスの田園地域にあるス レウナクシウは、ドリアノーヴァ ワイナリーやCantina Argiolasまで車で 5 分です。 このアグリツーリズムは、ポート オブ カリアリまで 16.9 km、ポエット ビーチまで 20.2 km の場所にあります。 自転車レンタルなどをレクリエーションに利用し、ルーフトップテラスや庭園からの眺めをお楽しみいただけます。このアグリツーリズムでは、WiFi (無料)、テレビ (共用エリア)、ツアー / チケット案内をご利用いただけます。 ス レウナクシウにお泊まりのお客様は、Su Leunaxiuで食事を楽しめます。バー / ラウンジでお好みのドリンクを召し上がり、喉の渇きを癒してください。無料のビュッフェを毎日、8:00 ~ 10:00 までお召し上がりいただけます。 コンピューター ステーション、エクスプレス チェックイン、エクスプレス チェックアウトをお使いいただけます。敷地内にはセルフパーキング (無料) が備わっています。 全部で 5 室ある客室で、おくつろぎください。セレクト コンフォート製のベッドが客室に備わっています。各客室には、専用のパティオがあります。客室ではWiFi (無料)をご利用いただけます。バスルームには、シャワー、ヘアドライヤーがあります。
Province of Cagliariのバルコニーのあるホテルを全て表示

Province of Cagliariホテルの口コミ・レビュー

Llyns711Amazing stay at this hotel on our first visit to Sardinia! The staff were excellent, friendly and welcoming during our stay and always very happy to assist us. Rooms were cleaned to perfection, breakfast was delicious and we enjoyed a couple of relaxing bike rides along the promenade! Bus route is also excellent to the centre as taxis are few and far between. We cannot wait to return!
ホテル ノーチラス
ホテル ノーチラス
最低料金(1泊): EUR 110
Bbluebell549The location is great for exploring Sardinia. The train station is very close as is the port. The trains are electric so there is no noise. A trolley/train tour is only a few blocks away as is the seaport. The community kitchen is a bonus and the terrace off it is perfect for a coffee and pastry in the morning sunshine--or an afternoon cocktail. The hotel room was spacious. Designed for business travellers with worktable and lighting, it worked well for us. Lovely bathroom. Hot water and good water pressure. Using the antiquated elevator was fun. We were given check-in instructions on WhatsApp and they worked as suggested except that we did not know which door was to our hallway when the elevator stopped. It is to the left but easily concluded when the key didn't work on the other door. There is a button to push when trying to leave the accommodations hallway and the front exit. We figured it out. There was no way to heat food in the community kitchen during our visit, but it appears the hotel is working on correcting that. We had our own shelf in the refrigerator and there were no issues with that. The beds were great; lighting was good; clean and comfortable. We liked the layout and concept of the hotel. Our only complaint was that there was no safe is in the room. We borrowed an extra chair from the kitchen as there was only one chair in the room and we both wanted to sit by our window. There are lots of restaurants nearby. We enjoyed the Central Caffe on a nearby corner. There are plenty of restaurants, coffee and pastry places, and wine bars on nearby streets or farther down on Via Roma. We ate at the Caffe Roma and the Cafe Bistrot. Most have outside tables. With a day left before departing, we hopped a morning train and took a chance to relax and view the countryside and eat lunch in another town. Spaceability City has other properties and we are interested in trying those as well. We would definitely return.
スペーサビリティ シティ - セルフ チェックイン
スペーサビリティ シティ - セルフ チェックイン
最低料金(1泊): EUR 62
ゲストI spent four nights in this hotel, room “three”. Overall, I was satisfied with my stay. The hotel was located on the other side of the city center from University campuses where I had a conference. However, the walk through the center was very pleasant (although the city has quite a lot of hills, and thus ups and downs for walking). There are restaurants very close, as the city center and tourist area are right there next to the hotel. However, the hotel is on a side street a little bit away from the tourist area in such a way that the hotel area itself was very peaceful and quiet, even during a weekend. The breakfast was of good quality and there was nice variation in terms of breads, juices, fruits, and yogurts – considering that this was a very small hotel with probably slightly less resources than bigger hotel chains, they really made nice efforts with the breakfast. The desserts were sweet and delicious. It was also possible to order an omelet for breakfast – I did not do that but saw some others ordering. The breakfast time started only at 8 am, which was slightly inconvenient, but manageable. It is possible to enter the breakfast area through the elevator or through the stairs, but sometimes the staff did not unlock the door from the stairs in the morning so the way through the elevator generally functioned better if one was arriving early for breakfast. The cleaning was always done very well, and I am picky about that. The room had good space to place my things. There was also enough space in the bathroom. The air conditioning functioned well and it was relatively easy to adjust to one’s liking. However, during the first night I woke up feeling too cold and the system thus needed some learning to be able to use it the most effectively. The shower water ran well. The service was always nice and efficient. For example, I had asked for rugs to be removed from my room beforehand, as I have a dust allergy and can sometimes get an allergic reaction from some rugs. The hotel staff had done that, the rugs had been removed. So they clearly listened to guests’ wishes very nicely. They also replied promptly to my emails. My room had a shower in the room itself, not in the bathroom, which may not be convenient, if there is more than one person staying. I was fine with this as I was alone. The room also had a nice outside area attached to the room where it was possible to sit and, for example, work very conveniently until it got too dark in the evening. There was no view but that did not matter to me. The view from the third floor, where the breakfast was, was beautiful over several buildings in the city. It is worth noting that the reception closes at 8:00 pm and after that, one can only get to the hotel with one’s own key. So better hold on to that key, if you are coming late. Moreover, it is necessary to advise the hotel in advance if you are arriving later than 8 pm the first evening, so that the hotel may instruct you on how to get in. I
ネコ ブティック ホテル
ネコ ブティック ホテル
最低料金(1泊): EUR 153
Hotel Flora is located 3 min walk from train/bus station, near plenty of restaurants. We walked all famous sightseeing spots in Cagliari from hotel, even to San Benedetto market. Room has a good space, 102 had a nice balcony with nice table and comfy chairs where you can enjoy nice evening. Very solid building, so no noise from other guests. The best of all is the service. Cleaner, front, waiters at the restaurant, They are friendly, helpful, and professional. Great choice of breakfast. What else you can ask the hotel!? We will stay here again if we ever has a chance to go back to Cagliari.
ホテル フローラ
ホテル フローラ
最低料金(1泊): EUR 113
EEUN-MIIt is located in the Chia Laguna, one of the clusters of 4 and 5 stars of hotels. Beautifully managed landscapes and access to private beaches make this resort very attractive. However, it is for those who don't care about the quality of the hotel and for those who want to just sleep at night and take the most of the activities outside of the room. In terms of quality of the room, it requires lots of attention. You are most likely to enter your room through the sliding door, and then there is your bed, and there is a bathroom with a shower and toilet, bidet, and the sink. The bed is not comfortable, and there is a weird sewage smell coming from the bathroom, we had to spray our perfume and close the bathroom door, and leave the bathroom windows open. Typically, the hotel bathroom is a joy to enter, but this bathroom was one of those bathrooms that wanted to get out as fast as possible, especially with sewage smell. I had to dry my hair outside of bathroom so the sewage smell doesn't get to my hair. (Enough said) On top of our not-so-impressed experience, our neighbor left the TV on loud and party in their room until 3am, we couldn't sleep at all. Contacted the front desk at 1am, but loud noise still continued. Thank God, we only had to stay 1 night. I would have looked for another hotel if we had to stay one more night. Hotel reservations came with 2 meals, breakfast, and a dinner buffet. It was one of the worst food experiences not only in Italy but also in all the places we have ever been. At a glance, the buffet seemed fine and attractive, but as soon as we started tasting the food, we felt right away, we cannot expect much. Most of the dishes were extremely salty, lacked flavors, and the quality of each ingredient was bad compared to the dishes that we experienced in Cagliari. If you only care about the location and the beautiful beach access, this is the place for you, but if you care about all the aspects of what the resort hotel supposed to offer, it might be wise to either spend a bit more money and stay at either Curio or Conrad properties or consider different location or hotels. Hope this review helps you to decide where to stay in Chia Laguna.
チア ラグーナ - ホテル ビレッジ
チア ラグーナ - ホテル ビレッジ
最低料金(1泊): EUR 159
Ottima struttura in pieno centro , all’interno di un palazzo storico . Camera pulitissima , accogliente , con letto molto comodo , con tutti i confort e bagno grande con vasca idromassaggio molto apprezzata . La colazione servita dalla bella e brava Beatrice , è buonissima e ben presentata , con ottima qualità e quantità , da 5 stelle . Complimenti a Daniele e Barbara per la loro eccezionale professionalità e la squisita accoglienza con cui coccolano i loro clienti. Da tornarci e consigliare assolutamente , bravi continuate cosi !!!!!!
B&B ルレ デル ポルト
B&B ルレ デル ポルト
最低料金(1泊): EUR 62
















