Since it was simply an opportunity to sleep, there is no great significance in evaluating the service or other facilities. However, the reason I gave it 1 point is that I arrived late at night, and as I was tired, I quickly took a shower and was about to sleep, when I realized that no towels were provided. It is true that I found out later that the hotel recommends the save earth in relation to towel washing. Therefore, it informs you that towels that have not been used before will be reused. Even so, the house keeper should have checked whether towels existed, but it is a minimum. I gave it a low score because is not even checked.
BBissLimitLessIf you want to save some budget on your traveling this place good for night-staying or for travelrs who want to explore the center of brno , good location not far from the main train station of brno that reachs to diffrent places around and in czach republic
A liitle problem with parking so call to the hostel reception before bringing any car with you
Close to center square of brno full with bars , shops and attrections