Beware NO Soul! I’m writing this so your expectations are set before you spend your hard earned money. For us, South Seas was a Massive disappointment after 25 years of coming here and loving it!! We all realize there was a hurricane, but read on…. I personally embrace change and capitalism but my money is going to Tween Waters and other Sanibel Resorts going forward. Yours should too. Look right past the reviews that are written by the local guides….they’re biased. SouthSeas imposed ridiculous rules that fundamentally prevent your freedom and a positive vacation experience. Examples follow: 1) on check in, expect to be inconvenienced by two stops … one spot in Sanibel and a second spot in Captiva in remote small offices with no sense of welcome. 2). SouthSeas new rule: No more umbrellas at MOST pool chairs because management is worried about the view getting blocked! Ridiculous…. Umbrellas are taller than line of sight. When requesting one due to prior skin cancer, we were told NO. 3) SouthSeas new rule: Rent ONLY THEIR golf carts for almost twice the price (no yolo or other golf cart rental companies), and then SouthSeas limits your range outside the resort which means you can’t get to places like Tween Waters (as you can with Yolo). They want NO money spent outside of the resort. And if you dare rent a golf cart from Yolo, or an outside source, the resort will not allow you to park it anywhere on their property at risk of fines and towing. They do not give a damn about supporting the local community nor businesses. Their talk is cheap otherwise. 4) SouthSeas new rule: no floats at pools. 25 years of joy over. 5). SouthSeas new rule: no riding your golf cart around redfish pass anymore. No golf cart access to the point nor Sunset Beach. 6). SouthSeas new rule: Don’t wear a necklace on the slides or you will be banned. REALITY — Sanibel and Captiva are largely rebuilt after hurricane Ian . This resort tore down the hotel, lodging, employee, housing, and all amenities except original pools. This means no fun, no food, no shopping, no water sports, no normal bathrooms, locked gates, and very limited service due to an inability to attract employees. In two years, while HOA’s, other resorts and private homes all got rebuilt…. SouthSeas only succeeded at installing Porta potty toilets and two incredibly crappy Food trucks. There are NO restaurants and ZERO pool nor resort activities (Examples: no log roll, movies; s’mores,, yoga, gym, T-dock access; sunset beach live music). The soul of this place is dead. Talk to management and they don’t care one bit. Kyla Burkitt is one of the managers who could benefit from hospitality training at minimum. Timber Company (the new owners) are apparently confident they will make their financial returns for themselves and their private equity partners when they do the massive build out they plan and sell private residences to unsuspecting people who naively don’t understand the complexity of the monopolisti