
チクラーナ・デ・ラ・フロンテーラ ホテルの宿泊者口コミ・レビュー

アパルタメントス アル スール ヴァカシオネス
ビーチから約200メートルの非常に良い 非常に注意深い領域 完璧な注意 非常にフレンドリーでプロフェッショナルなスタッフ、ヘルバ朝の女の子、非常に心と10歳の顧客を支援する意欲。 朝食はとても良いです、特にシェフの製品 非常にきれいなプール。 髪と砂の床のある少し汚れた部屋.... ベッドを改善することができる人は、したがって、そこには、部屋の***はベッドの品質に適していないことに気づいた。 マイクロイン、誰がアパートと部屋を共有するのかによって。ドアが開きすぎたので、ロビーで話していると、まるであなたの部屋にいるかのようです。 ホテルはとても新鮮でとても注意深いです。 カフェや熱剤の詳細は、良いコーヒーを飲むことができます。 気候はよく調整されています。 テレビは調整をロックし、非常に色があり、コマンドが画像構成を変更することを許可していないため、10分以上見ることができません。
アパートホテル イルニオン サンクティ ペトリ
It was a very good experience, great staff. The house (Villa) and surroundings were beautiful and very well maintained. Only point to improve is the restaurant. It could be have more variety along the week. After some days, we got tired of the same food. Also some confusion with big queues to buffet, since the hotel hosted some teens school excursions that flooded the restaurant and pool...
There is a need for renovation in this holiday home. Everything was clean, well-kept gardens and pool. However, the house needs some updating, especially the kitchen. Makeshift repairs would be done with tape and tape. Kitchen appliances rusty, old pans..
Very nice house very well equipped in a superb location. Close to all amenities. The person responsible for handing over the keys (manolo) is a wonderful gentleman of kindness and helpfulness.
ロイヤル ハイダウェイ サンクティ ペトリ
Barcelo: Barcel-NO! Royal Hideaway: Sancti Petri is a hybrid operation of a Convention Centre and Hotel and the Meeting Rooms for the Convention Centre are located in the central core of the hotel. The effect is that the hotel feels that it is half-closed all of the time. Further, the bars that service the Convention Centre are listed as part of the facilities for the hotel but they never open because the Convention Centre is closed. The Buffet Restaurant is also located in the central area and if you wished to have a pre-dinner chat and a drink, the choice is yomp down a hill to a bar near the beach (and then an uphill return for dinner) or descend down about 30 steps to the Dublin Bay Pub. The Dublin Bay Pub is a windowless room with MTV blaring from various televisions plus four lanes of American Bowl in the middle of the Pub? The noise is not exactly conducive with a quiet chat and a drink before dinner. Neither option was attractive and the other bars were closed. The same options apply after dinner of course. On the night that we arrived (2nd September 2024) I went to Reception to ask why everything appeared closed and to enquire if there was any other option to go for a chat and a drink. I was told that they could call a taxi to take us into town. We went back to the room and looked in the mini-bar and found a couple of beers, (no wine - in Spain?) but there was a small bottle of champagne. I looked around but the only available glasses were bathroom glasses. The champagne remained uncorked. We went out and purchased a bottle of wine locally only to return and find that the room didn’t have a corkscrew (in Spain?). We gave up. The room was small but adequate; the only real issue was the very limited wardrobe space. I can only assume that the Hotel was designed with the Convention Centre in mind with wardrobe space for delegates on short stays. Tea making facilities were provided but only one teabag (I’m not a fan of herbal infusions)? So, we tossed a coin to see who had the morning cuppa. Initially, I lost until it was discovered that the only milk was powdered. I haven’t seen powdered milk in a hotel room since the 1980’s. There were numerous other issues, but in summary, the holiday was booked on the strength of the hotel claiming to be 5-star under a decent brand name; Barcelo. The reality is that the holiday fell well short of our expectations. It was indeed pretty poor and certainly not 5-star. In future, Barcelo: Barcel-NO!


  • チクラーナ・デ・ラ・フロンテーラでプール付きのホテルは、1泊あたりの平均価格がどのくらいですか?

    チクラーナ・デ・ラ・フロンテーラでプール付きのホテルは、一泊あたりの平均価格が平日PHP 12,730、週末(金~土曜日)PHP 13,571です。

  • チクラーナ・デ・ラ・フロンテーラのプール付きのホテルを予約する際に、利用可能なキャンペーン情報を教えてください。


  • チクラーナ・デ・ラ・フロンテーラで特に人気のあるプール付きのホテルはどこですか?

    チクラーナ・デ・ラ・フロンテーラでは、アパルタメントス アル スール ヴァカシオネスIberostar Waves Royal Andalusヒポテルズ バロサ パーク が特に人気です。


最高値PHP 120,613
最安値PHP 2,714
平均価格(平日)PHP 12,730
平均価格(週末)PHP 13,571