The Ciumbuleuit Apartment carries the concept of an area, with various functions in one area. All the facilities that are available here such as spa, gym, shopping arcade, 5 pool, 4 pool family. Has an address on Jalan Ciumbuleuit Bandung City, West Java with postal code 40142, which is 300 m from the direction of Parahyangan Catholic University (UNPAR). The nearest airport is Husein Sastranegara International Airport, 8 km from the property. Supported by public facilities such as close to malls such as Paris Van Java (PVJ) Mall, Cihampelas Walk (Ciwalk) Istana Plaza (IP) Mall, Bandung Indah Plaza (BIP) Mall, Istana Bandung Electronic Center (BEC). Then it is also close to educational centers such as Parahyangan Catholic University (UNPAR), Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), Bandung Islamic University (UNISBA), Pasundan University (UNPAS), Padjadjaran University (UNPAD). Close to Husein Sastranegara Airport and health facilities such as RSIA Hermina, Hasan Sadikin Hospital (RSHS), Borromeous Hospital, Adventist Hospital. Close to Pool Travel Service and several coffee shops. The location is also strategic to downtown Bandung and Lembang. Suitable for those of you who want to rent monthly at low prices. You can rent this Gateway Pasteur apartment daily, weekly and monthly.