Located at a quite yet so approachable spot at manali makes the location perfect for people who want to unwind themselves from the city life. Staff is great and they take care of every small need that the guests i was served gar-ma garam dinner at 11 30 pm which i have never experienced in my life. The entire property including the rooms/washrooms is well maintained with hygiene being maintained everywhere great food ***** with some inhouse fruits and juice makes breakfast the best meal of the day strongly recommend persimmon farmstead to sell traveller's
2023年に開業したShepherd Inn the Hillは、ナガーで宿泊予定のお客様に非常にお勧めです。当施設からクル空港まで約34kmです。最寄の空港はクル空港、当施設から約34kmと、便利な位置にあります。Murlidhar Krishna Mandirやレッド・ワイルド・アドベンチャー、Himalayan Adventure Tripsなど、徒歩圏内に多くの観光名所があります。長い一日の終わりには、館内施設でくつろぐのもお勧めです。ナガーの当施設には、併設の駐車場があります。