
コーラル・ゲーブルズ ホテルの宿泊者口コミ・レビュー

アロフト コーラル ゲイブルズ
コートヤード マイアミ イン コーラル ゲーブルス バイ マリオット
A few weeks ago, me and my entire family got stuck at the Miami International Airport well after midnight. We called Marriott and booked 3 rooms. However, when we arrived we were told that the hotel was fully booked. The guy at the desk I think his name is Rohan, the Jamaican guy. He was very understanding and friendly. He explained to us how an error like this may have happened and did what he could to accommodate us while we tried to find another hotel. He even gave us a case of water while we waited and help us get a cab. He also canceled the reservations without charge for us. We’re happy about that. A few other persons came in after us that was in the same situation, some wasn’t as understanding as us, but he did very well with handling the situation. Please figure out why we were able to make new reservations if the hotel was fully booked. It’s frustrating for guest and I can’t imagine how frustrating it must be for staff.
ホテル サン ミッシェル
手伝うことができれば、208または207号室に滞在しないでください。ロビーのレストランのサブウーファーはこれらの部屋の真下にあります。Zuccaは開いた時間の後に音楽を演奏し、そこに行きました。音楽はそれほど大きくはありませんでしたが、音楽が床を通って共鳴し、祖母のために早く寝ようとしている間にベッドを振るのに十分な低音がしました。あなたがこれを見ているならば、ホテルセントミシェルは建物の2階の床にいくつかの岩の羊毛または他の断熱材を入れるか、Zuccaに彼らのサブウーファーをレストランの床に移動させるかを尋ねます。(or remove them completely because you really don't need that much low end for a restaurant/bar that had all 4 people at a Saturday night at closing time). そうでなければ you'll probably get more angry off reviews like this from customers in those rooms.



最高値MYR 5,738
最安値MYR 535
平均価格(平日)MYR 1,612
平均価格(週末)MYR 1,906