
デル・マー ホテルの宿泊者口コミ・レビュー

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国内のホームステイと同様に、装飾は少しユニークで、19世紀後半のアメリカの写実的なアーティストがいます フレデリックレミントン、(フレデリックレミントン、1861-1909)、彫刻。場所はとても良く、近くにはたくさんのレストランがあり、対角線上に中華料理店があり、ビジネスはとても良いです。ゼルの洋食も美味しいです。さまざまな方向からビーチまで3分から10分歩くと、海辺の小道がとても美しいです。朝食はありません。部屋は狭く、バスルームは狭く、衛生設備は平均的です。清潔さにこだわる方は、消毒器具を用意し、自分で掃除してください。飼い主さんはとても親切で、かわいい子犬が3匹います。お湯を飲みたいなら、鍋を頼むことができます。
ヒルトン サンディエゴ / デル マール
デルマーレーストラックの最高のロケーション、トラックへの無料シャトル。フレンドリーで効率的なスタッフ。部屋は快適で非常にきれいで、バスルームは拡張されました。 Covid以来、部屋のメイクをリクエストする必要があります。毎日部屋をリクエストし、二度目のリクエストなしに完了しました。部屋の家具の交換を開始する時間について。共通エリアは清潔で快適です。Vincent、バー/ラウンジのウェイター、非常に効率的で魅力的な、プロパティへのクレジットに叫びます。 Covidに先立ち、ホテルは5マイル半径以内の無料シャトルサービスを提供し、レストランなどへホテルがこのサービスを再確立することを望みます。
ホテル インディゴ サンディエゴ デル マー バイ IHG
Worst IHG experience ever. We showed up and got a room that had a nice view but you could tell this hotel has seen better days. They were clean and minimal but everything was worn out, out dated and discolored. We were there for the scenery though so we were fine. It rained that night and once the rain stopped we stepped out of our room and into a big puddle. Whatever we were not letting these things bother us. We were just grabbing something from the car. But when we went to get back in the room just after 1am. The door didn't work.we tried both cards, nothing. The front desk gave us 2 new ones still nothing. She made another, still nothing. We then waited outside our room which is out side at 1 am in the cold and wet as she went to grab the master key to let us in. She came back with some keys but none of them worked because they were ”labeled wrong”. Everything we had brought with us was locked in the room. Food, water, toiletries, clothes, wallets, etc. So we couldn't leave this place if we had wanted. The front desk person said they contacted the GM but he wasn't answering because he was probably asleep. The next person on shift wouldn't be there until 645am and the maintenance guy wouldn't get there till 8 am so she was just going to have us wait until someone came in or responded. Well lucky us she was going to give us another room to wait in. The room she picked was in a dark corner of the same building. It was even more run down and had a view of a couple of parking spaces. Of course I couldn't really sleep because I wasn't even able to get completely ready for bed due to being locked out from everything I had. By 630 I was already in the lobby seeing if they had a solution. Still no. I can't go anywhere and I can't buy anything so I'm still stuck in a dingy room wearing the same thing I was wearing the day before. Finally at 7am they unlock the door to our room and call us to let us know that it's sitting open. We get to our old room with all our stuff and it was sitting ajar and unattended. We go in and start showering and packing up because checkout is 11 am giving us no time to sleep or anything. While we are packing and getting ready the call us to ask us which room we are keeping. (We are a 1 night stay and check out is in 3 hrs.) I let them know that I was leaving. They gave us free breakfast to try and make up for this. Of course it didn't because we paid to be held hostage and it ruined all our morning plans on top of not being able to sleep. After breakfast we drove home 2 hrs exhausted just to get a vacation from our staycation.
ベストウェスタン プレミア ホテル デル マール


