Hotel is in / part of the Wenbi Mountain complex - not in the village over the road as indicated on the map.
The rooms are new and well appointed in a quiet location under the Daoist temple mountain, and are ideal for a visit to that location. However , there is not much about if not visiting the temple complex. Rooms are chalet style bungalows on a single floor level.
Staff were friendly and helpful, pointing out that the room rate covered two free entries to the Daoist complex [normally 52 kuai each], so the room rate is actually 100 kuai less than advertised.
Breakfast was included and served to the room at your pre-selected time, a cold selection of egg, baozi, pastries and pickles, depending on if the Chinese or Western breakfast is selected on check-in. No coffee in the room but black and green tea bags, kettle etc.
Only slight annoyance was some numpty in an adjoining room deciding that everyone in the hotel should suffer his trumpet / sax playing and the quiet evening sitting outside with a cold beer was suddenly was rent with his renditions. It took two complaints to reception before it was stopped, and I am not sure if it was their intervention or the chap just grew tired of blowing, but peace was restored after half an hour or so. Just typical of Chinese to do what they want, when they want, with no consideration for anyone else. However I can't blame the hotel for one rogue guest - as he or his ilk seem to be present at every hotel and residence.
We will go back and explore the complex again as we only had a cursory two hour climb / visit. I would recommend this hotel as a relaxing experience, and the excursion up the mountain is good exercise combined with soul-searching tranquillity. I was surprised how few people were there on a Sunday morning, we had the whole place to ourselves just about. It might not have been so pleasant on a religious holiday or when the hordes descend.