Das Zimmer war vollkommen in Ordnung.
Die Dame am Empfang hatte eigentlich Feierabend, sah mich und hat noch eingecheckt. In letzter Sekunde. Vielen Dank dafür. Alles andere funktioniert. Super Snack Automat für abends.
Prkplatz für Sprinter bzw. Van ist etwas tricky.
ゲゲストIt’s a creative and colorful place with an exceptionally friendly staff! :)
The location is great. Affordable places to eat and a Rewe are very close. The building is located in a quite backyard. You can sleep like a baby in the wild heart of the Neustadt and you can easily go to bars and dancing locations or have a drink at their own bar in the same building. Across the street you can dance at the „Ostpol“, Glühwein and beer gardens, designers and tons of art are just around the corner. I recommend leaving the tram at the „Bischofsweg“ station. There is also a Café at that corner where you can get gluten-free pancakes 😍
TtorinessThis apartment was in the best location - looking straight onto Frauenkirche in the old town. Amazing views and sounds (church bells and very skilled buskers) through your window. Photos on this review were taken out our window!!! Apartment was big and very clean. We had issues with getting the washing machine to work but the staff are very responsive and helpful. I would absolutely stay here again 🫶🏻