
ドリッグス ホテルの宿泊者口コミ・レビュー

Super 8 by Wyndham Driggs
Phenomenal experience, this was everything I was looking for and more! I was on a last minute trip and luckily the Airbnb host I had reached out to became non-responsive for a last minute check-in so I called Teton Hostel Hideaway and easily made my reservation by phone with Beth, the owner, and arrived a half hour later to my private room with a comfortable queen bed. It's halfway to the ski area in a stunning country location with great sunrises and sunsets. This is a big, beautiful log home that has been a guest lodge for 9 years. It was great to have breakfast foods available and the living room gets bathed in sunlight in the morning which was very enjoyable for morning coffee and reading about the family history of the owner, who grew up on the property and is surrounded by relatives who homesteaded in the area. During a lovely visit with Beth over coffee I learned about her non-profit that she founded in the Phillipes building small hyrdoponic lettuce growing operations to give homeless youth a source of income. She spends much of the winter there setting up amazingly simple systems that produce stunning amounts of marketable lettuce, which is then sold for income, giving people meaningfuly jobs as well as a source of income. I was enthralled by her photos! If you wanted to cook meals there then the open kitchen would make that easy, but Driggs has amazing food, including top notch Thai food at Bangkok Kitchen. The house was nice and quiet, with a few other guests around to keep it from seeming empty. The other staff member was very friendly and accommodating. Self check-in was a breeze, and I left feeling rejuvenated and lucky!
ティートン ウェスト モーテル
This hotel is relatively convenient to Grand Teton National Park. Our room was clean and comfortable with newer furnishings, the only noise was occasional floor squeaking from the room above us. The desk clerks were, at times, busy with personal calls or tended to be slow acknowledging us when we approached the desk. They weren’t friendly or helpful and didn’t appear professional in their logo t- shirts. We’ve seen this in other accommodations, when did hotel staff stop wearing professional attire that identifies them as employees?


  • ドリッグスの2つ星ホテルの1泊あたりの平均価格はどのくらいですか?

    ドリッグスの2つ星ホテルの1泊あたりの平均価格は、平日MYR 514、週末(金~土曜日)MYR 580です。※参考情報です。価格は頻繁に変動します。

  • ドリッグスの2つ星ホテルを予約する際に、利用可能なキャンペーン情報を教えてください。


  • ドリッグスで特に人気のある2つ星ホテルはどこですか?

    ドリッグスでは、Super 8 by Wyndham Driggsティトンホステルハイダウェイ が特に人気です。

  • ドリッグスで朝食付きのプランがある2つ星ホテルはどこですか?

    一日の始まりを、おいしくて栄養満点の朝食でスタートしたいものですね。Super 8 by Wyndham Driggsティトンホステルハイダウェイは、ご当地朝食が美味しいホテルとして大人気です。

  • ドリッグスで無料Wi-Fiを利用できる2つ星ホテルを教えてください。

    無料Wi-Fiが利用できるSuper 8 by Wyndham Driggsティトンホステルハイダウェイなら、観光やビジネスにも便利です。

  • ドリッグスで空港送迎サービスが提供される2つ星ホテルはどこですか?

    ドリッグスへ訪ねる際に、空港送迎サービスが提供されるSuper 8 by Wyndham Driggsを利用すると、よりスムーズに旅を楽しむことができます。

  • ドリッグスでプールが楽しめる2つ星ホテルはどこですか?

    ドリッグスでプール付きの2つ星ホテルを探すなら、Super 8 by Wyndham Driggs はリゾート気分を楽しめる宿として人気です。

  • ドリッグスでフィットネス施設を利用できる2つ星ホテルはどこですか?

    Super 8 by Wyndham Driggsは、フィットネスを重視する方におすすめです。

  • ドリッグスで高評価のスパが併設されている2つ星ホテルはどこですか?

    ドリッグスの2つ星ホテルでリラクゼーションを求める方に、Super 8 by Wyndham Driggsがおすすめです。こだわりのスパで、旅の疲れを癒し、ご褒美のひと時を過ごしましょう。

  • ドリッグスで高評価のバーが併設されている2つ星ホテルはどこですか?

    ドリッグスでバー付きの2つ星ホテルを探すなら、Super 8 by Wyndham Driggs がおすすめです。洗練された空間が魅力的で、高品質なカクテルを楽しむことができます。


最高値MYR 1,261
最安値MYR 258
平均価格(平日)MYR 514
平均価格(週末)MYR 580