First impressions were reasonable, but during our first morning at the hotel, everything soon went downhill. From 8am till around 4pm there were two separate 'evacuations' into the hotel lobby with fire and police services being called both times. After the first evacuation, we went into town, came back 4 hours later, only for the whole hotel to be evacuated again!! Hotel staff were short tempered and nasty, bluntly barking at us to evacuate with hours going by until they finally told us there'd been a water leak. An emergency situation is understandable and I'm not bothered about that event, but the staff's handling of it was utterly poor. A question about needing to return to a hotel room, after several hours of waiting, to collect an inhaler for asthma, was met with grossly insensitive jokes about secretly taking ecstasy and then we were ignored. This whole ordeal largely amounted to the hot water being switched off, which then remained off for several days. One staff member teased we would get 'freebies' from the hotel as a gesture of goodwill for the inconvenience; this did not happen. The main hotel lifts became unusable and after being instructed to use the service lifts instead, a bartender charged towards us screaming and being unbelievably hostile, refusing to let us pass or listen to what other hotel staff had literally just informed us to do. His behaviour was diabolical, but he made no apologies for himself and excused himself from the conversation. It was outrageous seeing the entire hotel be displaced in such a clunky and slapdash way. Most of the hotel staf were rude, blunt and pompous. One single receptionist was polite and friendly, and that was the woman who checked us out. Every three or four hours someone was knocking at our door or entering our room for cleaning purposes; we could scarcely relax. We've never felt so harassed in a hotel. The hotel cups provided were barely fit for a gobful of drink and they even took away our only spoon to stir our drinks. The sanitisation standards of the hotel were inadequate, failing to provide basic antibacterial or hand soaps in rooms; I had to use a face soap to wash my hands and the red seating between the lobby and bar was heavily stained with black marks. The restaurant always seemed closed, tha bar never had more than three tables with customers, the bar layout was so cramped that I banged my leg trying to take a seat and the entire hotel decor was dreary and miserable. Most of the TV channels didn't work either. I think the only positives were having a free apple from the bowl in reception every day and ultimately leaving the hotel forever!