The web page of holiday Inn has a loop with Android phone and every time you select the travel dates it change it to the actual date. So my dates were wrong. I arrived 30 min prior the end of the wrong date and the hotel took advantage of it and instead of letting me know, they skip all procedures and gave me a room. I went to a tournament and when I returned at night the room was taken by other guests. When I went to the front desk. They made me pay for 2 extra rooms as at that moment they did have more rooms. If they were honest in the first approach I wouldn't have to pay for 2 rooms. The lady that was in the night shift told me to fight for my money as there were many wrong procedures during my first check in. Some of my kids belongings get lost (we didn't notice until we arrive home because they thought they were at home). I have been reaching customer service for 2 week. The hotel manager has been lying saying she has contacted me. They only contacted me when I gave a bad review at Google saying that nothing was lost as if she know that I am missing. They never fill the lost and found so they don't have a clue of what was in the room. I have been asking for answers and she denied to answer. The only way she answers is with bad reviews. I am sorry I have to do this but is the truth and she has no way to profit different.