Stayed there this past weekend (7/27-29/2023). Im a musician and performed at the Boot Barn which is a music venue within walking distance from the hotel. Played with former members of Kansas, Journey and Lynyrd Skynyrd. Voices of Rock Radio. Performed 7/28/2023. After getting done playing. I walked back to the hotel. I was carrying two bass guitars, and hanging shirt, a bag of wet clothes and a musical pedal board. My hands were full when I got to my room. I set my pedalboard down to fetch my room key. Unlocked the door and went inside. After about an hour I realized I hadn't brought my pedalboard into the room. A pedalboard is an assortment of various effects pedal that help me create different sounds for different songs. Mine was roughly worth about $1600-1800. Went back out to the hallway and my pedalboard was gone. I panicked. I rechecked my room and not finding it there went to the front desk. This was about 10:30pm. A young lady was behind the front desk. Her name was Pagent. I asked if anyone had turned in anything lately and describe what I was looking for. She said they had not. I went directly to the club to make sure I hadnt left it there. I was fairly certain I had brought back to the hotel. It wasnt at the music venue. I actually saw my band bands still at the venue and they hadnt seen it either. At this point I was freaking out. I had another performance the following weekend in Chicago and the thought of having to replace everything as well as the financial hit to do so was not a good feeling. In talking with Pagent we came to the conclusion there wasnt much to do and I should try and get some sleep as at this point it was roughly 3am. I decided to get up early as to hang out in the lobby and see if I saw anyone trying to leave the hotel with it. I new Pagent got off work at 7am. Anyway, I walked down into the lobby and was blown away. During the night Pagent had printed up flyers and posted them on all the floors explaining the lose of the equipment and asking for help in finding it. Also, she had someone walk all the floors and the perimeter of the hotel looking for it. As if that werent enough she repositioned the security cameras at the exits and entrance to better view anyone leaving. I was floored. This young woman really went above and beyond to try to get my item back. Pagent got off work at 7am. I thanked her for her help and gave her a hug. About an hour later the keyboardist came downstairs to have breakfast. I asked if he had heard about my pedal board going missing and he said ”Oh, I have it my room”. My jaw hit the floor. Apparently his room was across the hall from mine. He however thought my room was the guitarists and that the equipment belonged to him and that he would return it to him when the flew to the airport the next day. He even texted him. The guitarist never saw the text and the keyboardist had no idea I was missing it. Kind of the perfect storm. Anyw