
ハーベイ ホテルの宿泊者口コミ・レビュー

ベスト ウエスタン プラス ウエストバンク
部屋はゴキブリに感染しており、朝の早朝にゲストが大声で聞こえ、メンテナンスリクエストは完了しません。フロントデスクのスタッフは絶対に素晴らしかったので、滞在中にゴキブリについて文句を言わなかった。しかし、一度彼らがあなたのお金を取り、あなたが去ったら、あなたの滞在が$ 1200以上であっても、カスタマーサービスはもはや存在しないことに気づきました. まあ、少なくとも一般的な管理チームで.モーテルの注意を引いた 身元盗難事件の後 このレビューを去るように促した ゼネラルマネージャーだったので 彼女が彼女の行動に 責任を負うだけで 私たちを幸せにできないなら(顧客の問題を適切にフォローアップして解決することはできません)。私は彼女の指示に従って、代わりにオンラインでレビューを残します。あなたの身分が問題ないなら、このモーテルをお勧めします。部屋の予約、ゴキブリの侵入、騒しいゲスト、メンテナンス要求への応答がないかもしれません。また、チェックアウトしたら、他の人を気にしない一般的な管理職に対処しなければならないので、出発前に解決すべき問題がある場合は、彼ら自身を気にしない一般的な管理職に対処しなければならないので、彼らはあなたにそれを思い出させるようにします。事実の後、あなたが彼らの注意にそれをもたらすとき。私は
ホーム 2 スイーツ バイ ヒルトン ハービイ ニューオーリンズ ウェストバンク
長いドライブの後、最初の夜(午前4時)に本当に遅いチェックインがありました。フロントのJadaはとても元気で親切で、私たちに親切でした。部屋は清潔で居心地が良く、ロビーとジムは仕事と仕事の仕事をするのに良い場所を提供してくれました。スタッフの皆の名前は得られませんでしたが、私たちが交流した誰もがとても親切で私たちに役立ちました。おそらく私たちが今までに滞在した中で最高の(多くの)ホテルの一つです! 10/10 また滞在します。
ブームタウン カジノ & ホテル ニューオーリンズ
コンフォート スイーツ ハーベイ - ニューオーリンズ ウエスト
Hi, if I could give 0 stars, I would. On October 21, 2022, I arrived at this hotel a little after midnight from Birmingham, Al ( 5 hour drive). I looked online and saw where it had pretty good reviews. The plan was to come to New Orleans a day early so we wouldn’t have to rush to catch the cruise ship the next morning. Once I arrived, I obtained my room key and my mother in law rented a room as well. When I went to my room( room 106), it smelled like mold, the curtains were severely stained and the front door was already open and would not lock. I went to the front desk to report this and was told by the clerk that she would try to get maintenance to secure my door. The clerk called and called and maintenance never answered. I couldn’t put my items in the room and leave because we didn’t want our property stolen. I went to my mother in laws room ( room 310) and there were roaches that were still alive on her walls, as well as, dirty curtains and a moldy smell. Her sheets were also dirty. At this point, it’s time to speak with a manager. We both went back to the front desk to ask for a manager. The clerk stated all other rooms at the hotel were booked and stated the manager was out of town but she would call him. Once she got the manager on the phone, he told her to tell us he would comp both rooms 50% or we could go somewhere else. At 1am, there was nowhere else to go and we had both just spent $234.00 each on a room here so we decided to wait it out. We went back upstairs to talk to my wife and father in law when suddenly we began to hear a couple yelling at each other and physically fighting in the hallway. It appeared the male involved assaulted the female and she spit in his face. Nevertheless, it was a horrible night. The front desk clerk came upstairs and escorted both of them out of the hotel. The next morning when it was time to check out, there was an entire wedding party in front of us filing a complaint about the conditions of their rooms as well. The front desk clerk tried to call the manager to see how to process the 50% off rooms and he never would answer. We proceeded to leave because we had to board a cruise ship and once we got on the boat, we received a call from the front desk stating she got in touch with the manager and he had no recollection of saying he would comp our rooms 50% and there was nothing that would be done. We were absolutely furious! I ended up having to file a complaint with corporate and they agreed to send me a check for half of my money back (which hasn’t arrived yet). Beware of the deceptive photos online. I would not want anyone to experience what we went though. This is the first hotel in our life where we’ve had to sleep fully dressed because of the filth inside.


