
ラヴァル ホテルの宿泊者口コミ・レビュー

ベストウェスタン ラヴァル モントリオール
Recently stayed at this hotel - Suport staff were rude, condescending and unwilling to open up common areas for friends and family to converse. They have a full breakfast area that remains locked unless during breakfast hours. They have a common area above the pool which is locked off and the hotel claims it’s do to structural integrity!? Like, *** - so you’re telling me the floor above the pool may collapse? The common space next to the pool is ribboned off. This hotel claims to be family friendly, yet it isn’t. Cleaning staffing were taking videos of kids playing so that front desk staff could harass guests. Everything from No fun in the pool, to no sitting around. Some ppl were tailgating in the parking lot.
シェラトンで素晴らしい滞在ができ、同じ月以内に戻ってきました!まず第一に、ラヴァルでこれ以上完璧な場所にあるホテルを見つけることができません。ロビーエリアは最近改装され、コーヒーと地元の製品を提供するカフェ セクションがあります。レストランは私たちにとって少しがっかりしました。朝に訪れようとしましたが、誰も私たちに仕えたくないようでした。しかし、フロントデスクのスタッフは信じられないほど親切で親切でした。新しく改装されたフロアにあるレジデンシャルスイートを予約しました。アメニティは、必要なものがすべて揃ったきれいで豪華な部屋でした。シャワーは素晴らしく、ベッドはとても快適でした。簡易キッチンエリアにはテーブルがあり、私たちがそれを要求したとき、彼らは私たちの赤ちゃんのためにハイチェアを提供しました。初めてレストランを訪れたときの厄介な経験の後、次回は朝食にルームサービスを注文しました。価格は食べ物の品質にとどまらず、お勧めしません。プールエリアは新しく改装され、絶対に豪華です。ホットタブ、ドライサウナ、ホットサウナ、リラックスした環境の完璧な温水プールがあります。私たちは両方の滞在を楽しんだし、間違いなく再び訪れるでしょう。
グランド タイムズ ホテル ラヴァル - セントロポリス
Not really sure where to start, as there are so many problematic things with this hotel. Don't fall for the pretty pictures, it's all a facade...They spent all their effort in trying to create an image of ”style,” charging high prices while offering little substance, or anything else most need in a hotel stay... TLDR: Unsanitary room, shady business practices, false advertising, complete disregard for customer health, and horrible customer service. ROOM CONDITION/HEALTH We both woke up after our first night here with bad headaches, all stuffed up, and having trouble breathing. We weren't sure if it was because of the poor ventilation, dustiness, the rancid smell, or the nauseating perfume in the room (more on that later). My wife ended up vomiting from nausea after we left the hotel...which we did immediately, despite initially booking for several nights. If you read the reviews for the Grand Times Hotel's other location in Sherbourne (wish I had!), you'll see numerous people complaining about pungent smells and getting sick in their rooms. Apparently there's something wrong with their Air Conditioning units. It could also be the disgusting puke stench we later discovered was coming from the mini fridge. Perhaps there was black mold hidden by the pitch black paint? At first we assumed the paint colour in every room was done for stylistic reasons, but eventually realized the purpose was to conceal the poor conditions of the rooms. For a hotel trying so desperately to present itself as ”fancy” (charging $6 for bottled water??) it was surprising to see the ceiling constructed of shoddy-looking wood with large holes and gaps. HEALTH/DECEPTION Speaking of stenches, we stayed here partly because the hotel advertised itself as having ”Allergy-free rooms” and using ”Eco-friendly cleaning products.” This is the furthest thing from the truth. WARNING: If you have asthma, allergies, COPD, MCS, or any kind of respiratory condition, don't stay here! We inquired via email and phone prior to booking about whether they used fragrances in cleaning products or otherwise - on each occasion they lied claiming they did not. However, as soon as we walked into the hotel lobby we were greeted by an overpowering wave of perfume that pervades the entire hotel. Upon check-out the concierge (who was one of the staff members we initially asked) admitted they do use a defuser to spread perfume, as well as scented cleaning products in all the rooms. When we brought this up with the concierge, she merely shrugged her shoulders, and took no responsibility for wasting our time/money by deceiving us...she certainly had no concern for our health. This was unsurprising given the poor customer service experience we had upon check-in. CUSTOMER SERVICE The first concierge/manager we spoke to Sunday night kept ignoring our attempt to discuss our room requests, only saying AFTER she charged our credit card, that she didn't really understand or follow-up on said reques
ル セントマーティン ホテル アンド スイーツ ラヴァル
素晴らしいチェックイン - 迅速でプロフェッショナルでフレンドリー。清潔で、かなり広く、静かな部屋で、通常よりも大きな金庫(16インチのラップトップを扱うことができます)、バー冷蔵庫、仕事用のデスクが備わっています。車があれば場所が良いです。そうでなければ、あまり近くありません。メインストリート(徒歩1分)に着くまで歩道はありません。地下鉄(地下鉄)から約1マイル(1.4 km)-時間があれば、モンモランシーメトロから無料の#360バスに乗ることができます。5-minuteバスでホテルの近くの角まで行きます。コンチネンタルブレックファーストには、さまざまなパン、卵、シリアルが含まれていました。すべてが食べられました:)
Holiday Inn Laval Montreal, an IHG Hotel
コートヤード・バイ・マリオット モントリオール ラバル
English Overall, I had a great 😊 👍 experience with the Courtyard Montreal Laval / Courtyard By Marriott Hotel 🏨 ; staff was incredibly helpful, and the amenities were great 👍. The room was wonderful, clean 🧼 🧽 , and perfect 👍 🤩 for a weekend. This is the perfect 👍 🤩 hotel 🏨 for a weekend getaway in Montreal, QC. The Courtyard Montreal Laval / Courtyard By Marriott Hotel 🏨 offers everything you need if you don't feel like venturing out. French / Français Dans l'ensemble, j'ai eu une excellente expérience 😊 👍 avec l'hôtel Courtyard Montréal Laval / Courtyard By Marriott 🏨 ; le personnel était incroyablement serviable et les commodités étaient excellentes 👍. La chambre était magnifique, propre 🧼 🧽 et parfaite 👍 🤩 pour un week-end. C'est l'hôtel 👍 🤩 parfait 🏨 pour une escapade d'un week-end à Montréal, QC. L'hôtel Courtyard Montréal Laval / Courtyard By Marriott 🏨 offre tout ce dont vous avez besoin si vous n'avez pas envie de vous aventurer dehors.



最高値NZD 1,038
最安値NZD 164
平均価格(平日)NZD 378
平均価格(週末)NZD 408