バーのあるMadison Countyの厳選ホテルをご覧ください

Madison Countyのホテル宿泊者の口コミを見る

ベストウェスタン プラス マディソン - ハンツビル ホテル
ベストウエスタンプラスは夫と孫とのハンツビル訪問の私の議題にはなかった。私は遅く予約し、これは私が最後に取らなければならない休暇パッケージで提供されました。私はより高級なホテルに慣れているので懐疑的でした。Hmm ...チェックインは、特にチェックイン時間の数時間前にフライトが到着したときは本当に簡単でした。私は早期チェックインと反対側の素敵な声が承認されたかどうかを尋ねるために電話しました。部屋は清潔で「ホテルっぽい」でした。しかし気分を変えた可能性のある小さな事件がありましたが、フロント紳士が数分でドアにいて事態は解決しました。朝食は素敵でした。。一日のコースを設定するのに役立ちますホットコーヒーのようなものは何もありません。私はプールに着いていませんでしたが、私の家族はそれをし、彼らはそれを楽しんだ!ハウスキーピングの女性は快適で、対応し、タオルとトイレタリーをリフレッシュしました。はい!また、ブリストル·ウェスタン·プラス·マディソンを訪れ、他にもおすすめします。
Four Points by Sheraton Huntsville Airport
ヒルトン ガーデン イン ハンツビル / スペース センター
ザ ウェスティン ハンツヴィル
The room and the rest of the hotel were very pleasant. My only complaints that made it probably a deal breaker for me was I could not use my chromecast on the wifi they had and the wifi when my laptop was downloading things was at 200kb like it was 1999 or something. no password on the internet meant they couldn't offer very high quality internet to begin with. So it meant in my room I just had to sit and look at my phone for the rest of the night.
Where do I start. We arrived to check in at the front desk and was told we were assigned the ”Cabana Rooms.” We were assigned a room on the second floor, and, silly us, asked for the location to the elevators. We were told we didn't need one. We took that on face value, as we have been to hotels where the first floor turns into a second floor. Luckily we chose to find the room before bringing our luggage. We went down the hallway as directed - which led outside, then down a covered area to a separate building. We walked in, and had to go up a flight of stairs, down the end of a zig zag hallway, to a room at the very far end. We failed to see the closet door when we first entered the building which led to the secret elevator. Even if we found the elevator, there wouldn't have been a cart to use. Not knowing about the elevator, we felt we had no choice but to drive the car around to park near the side door at the back of the hotel on the far end and hoof our luggage up a rather steep staircase. Once in the refreshed room, we found that it was pretty dark. The room had a balcony that was locked. We did find places for our bags and the closet area was fine. The bathroom was nice but the barn door didn't always close. Beds were comfortable. We needed to do laundry. We discovered after a lengthy walk that it takes credit cards, not change. It did work well, but it was expensive, like $7 to wash and dry a load. The pool area was nice enough but needed shade. The gym area was quite large and well equipped. Breakfast was interesting. We were unsure of it's location and asked. We were directed to the podium for the Southern Chop. Apparently not many go there because we waited for a while before my husband investigated. He found someone to help us. We were then directed to a table. I chose the oatmeal, which arrived in a large bowl of oatmeal with 4 berries in one corner. No cranberries, or brown sugar, or nuts. My son and husband got the pancakes but had to wait for them to arrive a while after I was served. Overall this is a very large, old property. The Cabana building arrangement should at least be clarified at the front desk as to where to park and where to find the elevator. The outside could use a real facelift. Our room was refreshed but pretty dark. The one positive was that it was within walking distance to the Huntsville Space and Rocket Center which was really outstanding. It also offered easy access to get to anywhere in Huntsville. Honestly we wouldn't stay here again. There are several options in the area that may be a better choice.
ヒルトン ガーデン イン ハンツビル サウス / レッドストーン アーセナル



最高値VND 30,174,550
最安値VND 1,705,570
平均価格(平日)VND 5,168,263
平均価格(週末)VND 5,050,554