Guys, don’t ever booked this hotel for you holiday/ honeymoon/ off day / anniversary or what ever . I have been lots of guest houses in male / hulhumale , when I come for off days . And on yesterday (01/09/2023) , checking was quite smooth as I went direct walking to hotel . Foods are the worst , not recommended to order foods from their restaurant. Ordered the food at 18:00, and i was informed that food will be received within 10-15 mins. However it doesn’t arrived , foods was received around 21:20. Linens of room: they don’t really wash the linens of room. It’s too dusty and lots of signs of waste are there . I checked on here as a single person, and I don’t have any joining guest. However when ever I was trying to lay down and sleep and when I took the pillow , I was seen a used and not changed pillow. Someone (a girl ) , kiss and make up was there ) Bath tub in room doesn’t work . Laundry; they washed my EarPod on the washing machine and blaming me for that , Doesn’t wanna help me out . Blamed the customer. And lost the key, it will be charged 65 $ , which equals to maldives rufiya 1000 . Quite expensive while compared to the other guest houses in Malé region. Normally other hotels used to charged around 5 $ max , and this is unacceptable. Never ever book this hotel !!!!!!!
This was one of our best Hotel Jen experiences anywhere in the world. In most cases, Hotel Jen stays are more functional, and we don't get the full ”Shangri-la experience”. In this case however, the experience got pretty close. Some of the positives: 1. The upgrade to the larger room was a nice touch as it gave my family of 4 a bigger space. 2. The F&B we had throughout the stay was good - my family enjoyed all our meals while we were there. 3. Most importantly, literally every single staff member we encountered during the stay was friendly and helpful, and the service was really the best part of this experience. Every person have us absolutely nothing to complain about in terms of service. Some of the more memorable individuals who stood out for us (this is not to say the other folks are not as good - just that we did not interact with them as much): Riyaz and Arun at the restaurant, and Dilshan at the front desk. 4. The breakfast spread exceeded my expectations for a Hotel Jen property. 5. The location was great. Everywhere we needed to go during our 3-night stay was within 15 minutes' walk. A couple of drawbacks though, although these would be pinned on the people who initially constructed the building rather than the people running it now: 1. The building is slightly dated/ageing, and parts of it could do with a refresh. 2. While the Executive room we stayed in was large, there was some wasted space in the room due to the irregular layout. On the whole, this was still a 5/5 experience, and the best part was really the service.
Hotel Octaveに2泊しましたが、家のように感じました。素敵な部屋のデザイン、シンプルで快適、フレンドリーで親切なスタッフ。アリスタッフは私が迷子になったときに私を迎えに行き、彼の自転車で予定通りにそこにいたことを確認するために行きたい場所に連れて行ってくれました。特に私が彼にそれをするように頼まなかったとき、彼はinnitiAtiveを取りました。空港に連れて行ってくれたイズメールは、私の国の物語を通して私とつながって最後の印象を作りました.素晴らしい
旅先の様々な魅力を発見したいお客様に、Manhattan Business Hotelは最適です。Manhattan Business Hotelは、マレの現地の雰囲気を感じたいお客様にお勧めの施設です。当施設はマレ国際空港から車で4kmと、便利な立地です。付近には、Republic SquareやOK Maldives、FedEx - Maldivesなど、マレの多くの観光名所があります。長い一日の終わりには、館内施設でくつろぐのもお勧めです。
Over all the hotel is good, Rooms are very clean and tidy, The view was very nice too. We stayed for one night at your hotel. We had our wedding ceremony at your hotel and we paid for the room and a fortune to arrange our wedding at your property! Yet no amenities was offered no greeting or congratulations, not even a simple bed decoration or a discount was offered as a gesture of goodwill. It is not about offering things but the reality is the hotel haven’t done anything to make a just married couple happy. They just gave the room. I believe that these are the least that you should be doing for your guests to make their stay memorable. Especially on their special occasions wich won’t repeat again.
人生で泊まった中で最悪の場所。ここには絶対に泊まらないでください。きっと後悔すると思います。 モルディブに午後11時に到着したので、近くでただ寝られる場所を探していました。レビューも良かったし、寝るだけなら悪くないと思ったので予約しました。これが人生最大の失敗です。 モルディブに行く前に、パインロッジに空港送迎を依頼するメールを5回送ったのですが、送迎料金は25ドルという返事以外に、予約を確認する返事はありませんでした。 モルディブ到着当日、空港送迎の利用について何度も問い合わせましたが、メールに返信がありませんでした。結局、空港からパインロッジまでタクシーに乗ることになりました。 しかし、到着してチェックインすると、受付係が「本日の部屋は満室です」と言いました。 ***??真夜中だったので、部屋が空いていると聞いて、翌朝リゾートに行かなければなりませんでしたが、彼らは私の予約を受け取っていないと言い続け、それはおそらく管理者のミスだろうと1時間近くも言い続けました。本当に気が狂いそうでした。結局のところ、彼らは私に同じような状態の別のホステルを提供してくれました。モルディブ初日の完璧な悪夢です、私のレビューを覚えておいてください。パイン ロッジ モルディブ モルディブ モルディブ モルディブ モルディブ モルディブ モルディブ モルディブ않아보이길래 예약한 거였는데 제 인생 최대의 실수였죠 공항 픽업 서비스 요청을 위해 이메일 을 5번이나 보냈는데 픽업비용이 25달러라는 답변 이외에는 제대로 된 예약확인 관련 회신이 없었습니다 몰디브 도착당일까지 공항 픽업이용 관련 문의를 했으나 답변이 없었고 결국 공항에 서 택시타고 숙소까지 갔네요 근데 숙착하고 체크인하려고 보니 리셉션 데스크 직원이 ” 늘 방 나갔는데염, 손님” 와, 익일 아침에 나가봐야하는데 자정까지 예약 접수가 제대로 안된 거 같다고 확인만 근 1시간 넘게 하니 정말 사람 미치겠더군요 진짜 욕나오려던 거 + 피곤한 간 신히 참고 그럼 이 시간에 어떻게 해야되냐고 물으니 비슷한 컨디션의 다른 숙소로 구다켼겠다 고 해서 결국에는 도보로 5분 걸어서 다른 숙소에서 묵었습니다 절대 이 곳에서 묵지 마세요 회합니다