
マンモス・レイクス ホテルの宿泊者口コミ・レビュー

シナモン ベアー イン
Timing is everything, so I guess it was off when I stayed here. I was attracted by the website advertising how quiet and comfy it was. The construction in the lot made it very noisy by day and the guests in the next room made it noisy by night. Comfy wasn’t working for me either with the heater being out due to the construction cutting the power, this was explained to me by management and they would be by later to bring a heater. So I tried the jacuzzi to warm up but it was too cold. The location in town and the free parking were the two best parts. Not planning on a return visit.
ジュニパー スプリングス リゾート
ザ ウェスティン モナケ リゾート マンモス
シイロ インズ マンモス レイクス
タマラック ロッジ アンド リゾート
Over the past several years, my husband and I have enjoyed libations and live music at Tamarack Lodge and fine dining at Lakefront Restaurant as well as hikes around Twin Lakes and cross country skiing….but we hadn’t had the pleasure of enjoying Tamarack as resort guests until this past weekend. So glad I made an old-school in-person visit to make inquiries about lodging! When I shared that I was hoping to plan a surprise overnight cabin stay for my husband’s birthday, Brian was very attentive, outlining all options available and patiently answering all of my questions. Luckily, Brian was able to immediately secure the accommodations we wanted on the date we needed. To say my husband was pleasantly surprised is an understatement! Brian and the Tamarack Lodge staff made our first stay an exceptionally memorable one! Pictures say more than words, so I posted the maximum allowable (and wanted to post at least 10 more scenics!) We look forward to enjoying more classic lakeside retreats at Tamarack, hoping to celebrate all four seasons with family and friends at this haven for years to come.
マンモス マウンテン イン
私たちはこのホテルに一晩滞在しました、マウンテンホテルは本当に強力です 部屋はとても広くて快適です。 少し悪いですが、これはすべての山岳ホテルで当てはまります。 まだ小さな部屋です プールとジャクジは8時から22h.です。


  • マンモス・レイクスで朝食のホテルは、1泊あたりの平均価格がどのくらいですか?

    マンモス・レイクスで朝食のホテルは、一泊あたりの平均価格が平日VND 8,677,642、週末(金~土曜日)VND 10,136,736です。

  • マンモス・レイクスの朝食のホテルを予約する際に、利用可能なキャンペーン情報を教えてください。


  • マンモス・レイクスで特に人気のある朝食のホテルはどこですか?

    マンモス・レイクスでは、ザ ウェスティン モナケ リゾート マンモスザ ビレッジ ロッジアウトバウンドマンモス が特に人気です。


最高値VND 46,821,525
最安値VND 1,025,050
平均価格(平日)VND 8,677,642
平均価格(週末)VND 10,136,736