Room: Clean, bed hard but whatever. The NEVER AGAIN? We arrived after a late night even at around 1:00 AM. 4ish AM we wake up to a full out brawl between I believe a couple in the hall. They’re chasing each other up and down the hall, He’s yelling profanities at her, she’s screaming back, you can hear them fist fighting. Call the front desk FOUR TIMES to have them handle things. NO ANSWER! The couple finally goes into their room….We leave….5:15 AM. Get to the front desk to this kid in his 20s on the phone trying to be forceful and tell said couple that they need to “leave right now because you’re being too loud. I’m serious, you need to leave now or I’m calling the police.” Mind you, this has now been going on for an HOUR where we tried calling, couldn’t safely get out of our room, and he STILL HASN’T CALLED THE POLICE TO HANDLE THIS ISSUE!” Tell this kid we want a refund for the room. We have only been here for 4 hours max and really haven’t slept at all. He hands us his regional manager’s card. We tell him we want to check out right now. His response? “I can’t check you out right now because I’m in the middle of an audit!” Seriously? Nope. Never again.