ホテルからの返信: dear guest,thank you for choosing the Phi Hotel Canalgrande and for leaving your kind review.We do our best to ensure our guests have the most pleasant experience and we thank you for highlighting the commitment we dedicate to service every day.As you may have noticed ours is a historical structure and has great cultural and artistic importance for the city of Modena. We are sorry you found some defects but we are pleased to read that you appreciated other characteristic aspects that made your experience positive.We will be more than happy if you would choose us again for your next travel to Italy.Kindest regardsPhi Hotel Canalgrande
宿泊: 2024年11月
投稿: 2024年12月30日
Really enjoyed our stay in this hotel. The staff is friendly and the architecture is great. Very authentic Italian. You feel as if entering another era, the place is old fashioned in the best way possible. They have a parking and they will take care of your car for you. The breakfast is delicious and plentiful, the best one I had during this trip.
ホテルからの返信: Gentile ospite,grazie di cuore per aver scelto il Phi Hotel Canalgrande e per aver condiviso la sua positiva recensione per noi.Davvero felici di leggere che le sia piaciuta la nostra struttura e che abbia apprezzato il suo fascino storico. Allo stesso modo siamo lieti che abbia trovato di suo gusto la nostra colazione a buffet con la sua varietà di prodotti sia dolci che salati che possano soddisfare un po’ tutti i gusti e le esigenze dei nostri ospiti.I nostri più cordiali saluti.Phi Hotel Canalgrande
宿泊: 2024年12月
投稿: 2025年1月29日
Отель очень и очень уставший. Придавленные давно подушки на диванах в холле, сильно нуждающиеся в обновлении номера. В номере очень жарко и не очень приятно попахивает канализацией. В душе сложно отрегулировать температуру воды, напор её очень слабый. Завтраки скудные. При входе в отель крутые семь ступенек - подниматься или спускаться по ним с чемоданами трудно. Но, спасибо персоналу, с чемоданами помогли и вызвали такси. Персонал вообще очень приветливый и расположение отеля вполне удобное. Но если бы остановка была на несколько ночей, выбрала бы другой отель
ホテルからの返信: Dear Aleksandra,thanks a lot for choosing the Phi Hotel Canalgrande and for taking the time to share you review with all of us.We are happy that you found a helpful staff ready to help you on every occasion and that our location in the heart of the city was convenient for you to visit the city in a comfortable way.We are sorry for the inconvenience with the hot water and we inform you that we are already working to resolve the problem. Regarding your reports, we consider them precious and we confirm our commitment to plan interventions that can improve the experience of our guests. We hope you can return in the future and see what we are doing.Our warmest regardsPhi Hotel Canalgrande
宿泊: 2024年10月
投稿: 2024年11月27日
Struttura datata avrebbe bisogno di una buona ristrutturazione in camera solo una pompa di calore molto rumorosa .
Pulizia mediocre
Posizione ottima
ホテルからの返信: Gentile ospite,grazie mille per aver scelto il nostro hotel e per aver condiviso la sua esperienza con tutta la community di Ctrip.Siamo lieti che abbia apprezzato la nostra posizione centrale e strategica per muoversi nel centro città e poterne scoprire le bellezze.Ci dispiace però leggere che abbia avuto qualche inconveniente con la camera e soprattutto se la pulizia non sia stata accurata come avremmo voluto.Confermiamo che stiamo pianificando di migliorare i nostri spazi e ci auguriamo che possa tornare in futuro per godere un soggiorno ancora più piacevole.Ci auguriamo di rivederti presto.Cordiali salutiPhi Hotel Canalgrande
ホテルからの返信: Dear guest,thanks a lot for choosing our hotel for your trip in Modena and for leaving your kind review.We are sorry if the room was not completely to your taste although we are pleased to read that you appreciated the historical character of our structure and the classic furnishings.We are a benefit company and as such we are very sensitive to the environment and to the issue of recycling and saving resources: we are happy that you share this interest with us.Looking forward to host you again for your next visit to our city.Kind regardsPhi Hotel Canalgrande
ホテルからの返信: Dear guest,Thanks a lot for staying at the Phi Hotel Canalgrande and for leaving us your kind review. We are happy to hear that you enjoyed your stay and that you particularly appreciated our care and attention dedicated to serve you at the best, but also that you report in detail everything you liked and contributed to making your experience a positive one. Our main purpose that drives us to work in hospitality is to guarantee that anyone who chooses us has pleasant stays and knowing that we have succeeded in our aim is a source of pride for us. We will be happy if you would like to choose us again for your next visits to Modena: we look forward to seeing you soon. Phi Hotel Canalgrande
宿泊: 2022年11月
投稿: 2023年1月17日
L'hotel è veramente bello,ubicato in pieno centro ,la camera era una standard per due, semplice ma con tutti i comfort,la colazione era ottima.