Nice indoor/outdoor pool (=Erlebnisbad) with a quaint Swiss backdrop. Pricing actually affordable, but with that comes some detractions. The main pool is a family experience, so expect lots of kids and noise when school's out. On the day I went, they were applying fresh paint to some indoor walls--the fumes, whilst not overwhelming, were not my idea of fresh air and a healthy spa visit. The big kicker was that on their website they advertise free admission if it's your birthday. It was my birthday and I had the ID to prove it. But there is (since I was last there) a new kiosk system to get your entry bracelet, and the computer menu does not indicate that this discount is available. As I continued through the on-screen purchase process, figuring maybe after each next step a field for discount codes or whatever might turn up--voila! purchase complete and no free entrance. I went up to the towel rental desk and asked about it. Too late she said. I should have asked her first and she couldn't reverse the transaction. And she didn't even give me a break on renting a towel as a consolation gesture. So birthday people, ASK at the desk first.