
ミュルーズ ホテルの宿泊者口コミ・レビュー

ホテル ドゥ パルク - サントル ヴィル
Booked in for one night nice room and good art deco reception and bar . But while eating a meal in the Charlie's bar we were robbed by Romanians while at the table who stole my mobile phone who had managed to enter the hotel and bar. The night reception seemed at first not to want call the police but after a few requests did. The French police (5 of them) arrived very quickly looked at the cctv. and took all the details identifying the suspects as Romanian. Also telling us that they have a problem in the area. Such a shame for a lovely town. In the morning we thought the reception might have commented on what had taken place but it seems the night staff had not informed them of anything. They need to up their security ! The French police took the situation seriously and we made full statement with them in the morning, if only the hotel had shown the same.


  • ミュルーズで送迎のホテルは、1泊あたりの平均価格がどのくらいですか?

    ミュルーズで送迎のホテルは、一泊あたりの平均価格が平日TRY 4,535、週末(金~土曜日)TRY 4,441です。

  • ミュルーズの送迎のホテルを予約する際に、利用可能なキャンペーン情報を教えてください。


  • ミュルーズで特に人気のある送迎のホテルはどこですか?

    ミュルーズでは、Holiday Inn Mulhouseベストウェスタンミュールハウサルヴァトールセンターアパートシティ ミュルーズ が特に人気です。

  • ミュルーズで送迎のペットと宿泊できるホテルはどこですか?

    Best Western Hotel de la Bourseはペットと泊まれる宿としておすすめです。


最高値TRY 30,787
最安値TRY 1,385
平均価格(平日)TRY 4,535
平均価格(週末)TRY 4,441