
ナタレス ホテルの宿泊者口コミ・レビュー

アルテ ブリサ ホスタル ブティック
宿泊施設は豪華ではありませんが、非常に歓迎してくれ、非常に満足のいく暖房とお湯が備わっています。私たちはいつも早朝に出発したため、朝食を楽しむことができませんでしたが、施設を管理している女性が、サンドイッチ、デザート、フルーツジュース、さらには温かいお茶やコーヒーの入った魔法瓶まで、持ち帰り用の朝食を提供してくれました。公園での散歩中に、それは私たちに大きな喜びを与えてくれました。本当にとても親切で、部屋も清潔で上品な内装です。駐車場は建物の隣にあり、無料です。もう一つの利点は、バス停が徒歩わずか数分の距離にあることです。 近くにレストランがいくつかありますが、市内中心部までは徒歩10分です。価格的にもおすすめです。
Remota Patagonia Lodge
Built in 2007, this is an architectural marvel. The interior design is fabulous and funky. Still, it has downsides: 1) Wi-Fi is only available in the common areas, and the pool doesn't have Wi-Fi either. They say they want guests to disconnect and get ”in tune with nature.” That's fine for a yoga retreat or a cheap hotel. They shouldn't impose digital detox values on international clients who must communicate with their loved ones (or business associates). I wonder if they're trying to save money. 2) Many guests must traverse a long corridor open to the cold air to access the main building. And everyone has to go outside to access the pool. If they add Wi-Fi to all the rooms, you'll get a 5-star experience.
ザ ライン ホテル
The facility, The Room, Breakfast and Location all are perfect, The picture won't lie. So I like to tell you about my experience with this Hotel Host, I got accidence in Torres Del Paine and broke my hand, i call her and she let me check in back for another 2 days. Laura was very helpful, I can say she is sincerely help, from the airline change, hospitals booking and appointment with the best doctor in Chile She also drop us to airport and when airline cancelled she come to airport pick me up and back to hotel Laura, I sincerely thank you for your kindest, I hope you have time to visit Bali so we can meet again
ホステル自体は絶対的な喜びで、美しくデザインされ、きれいでした!朝食は含まれており、とても快適でした。しかし、この経験は、滞在中に私たちに非常に失礼だった非常に不快で冷たいホストである所有者によって酸っぱくなりました。到着時に利用可能なツアーについて問い合わせ、終日バスツアーまたはトレッキングツアーのどちらかを選択すると後者を選択して支払いました。利用可能な唯一の日に、equidiste国立公園を歩くのではなく、残りの予算の一部をバンに座って、運動病にかかり、50歳の子供たちが窓から国立公園の写真を撮っています。これは無実の間違いであることを理解し、ホステルの所有者との予約と混同があったと言及しましたが、すぐに敵対的になりました。彼女はすぐに防御的になり、私たちのコミュニケーションを非難し、夕方(午後5時)に予約が遅すぎ、とにかくスペースを見つけるのは珍しいこと、彼女の知性と経験に疑問を投げかけるのは信じられないほど失礼だった、そして、彼女が十分に聞いたので、ついに黙りました。私たちは 3 人の若い女の子で、このようなホストに問題が発生したことがなく、特に結果としてトーレス デル パイネをハイキングできなかったため、プエルト ナタレスでの経験を悲しく台無しにしました。
Hotel Big Sur was the perfect place to stay in Puerto Natales. We stayed here the night before we took the bus to Torres del Paine, and the night we returned from the multi-day hike, prior to our flight back to Santiago. The hotel is a small boutique hotel with small hostel-style rooms with limited accessories, but the rooms are clean and comfortable and have everything you need to rest up before and after your hike. The rooms do not have a TV, but who needs to watch TV when they could be out exploring the town? The hotel will gladly store your luggage while you hike, just keep in mind that this is stored in an open area, consider bringing a chain lock for all your bags if that concerns you - we did not have any concerns that anyone would take our bags. The hotel serves a hearty breakfast, including eggs and sausages. It is a short 2-block walk to the bars and restaurants of Puerto Natales. Most importantly, the staff is incredibly kind and helpful, and the main proprietor speaks excellent English. I have rarely experienced such excellent service or kind generosity at finer hotels in the US or Europe. We will recommend Hotel Big Sur to all our friends who travel to Patagonia, truly an excellent experience.
ザ シングラー パタゴニア
I would have given 3.5 stars but that's unavailable. Starting with the good: The hotel property is beautiful and unusual. Very historic and the architects made great use of the existing buildings. The excursions were great - albeit very weather dependent and , because they would not let us book anything until we got there, we missed the very one activity we wanted to do because of weather on the days after we got there. (Had they let us book in advance, we could have arranged to arrive on time on our first day). Instead, they charge you for a full day at the all-inclusive price and then leave you to find something to do in town. The guides were delightful, interesting and friendly - consistent with all our other guides elsewhere in Chile. And we loved the excursions we did (particularly the Baguales hike). The negatives: They knew we were arriving at 9:30 am yet failed to take that into consideration in terms of arranging the cleaning of our room and making it available. We saw no one else check in that early or for the next few hours - yet they stuck to a 3 pm check-in (they let us in at 2:50 pm). (We know they knew because our travel agent told them in a three way email and I also emailed about an effort to book an excursion for that morning). Thus, we were on our own with no morning activity that we paid for. The food is mediocre and the same menu all week. The service in the restaurant is also mediocre. One evening my husband and I arrived in the restaurant and ordered cocktails before dinner. After 20 minutes of not being served, I went to the bar and noticed that there were no bartenders. We asked the server and she simply had no idea. The same thing happened with a coffee order the first morning we arrived (sans room). As mentioned in another review of mine, one of the hotels we stayed at packed us a boxed lunch when we left for a midday flight. Not only does the Singular not do that but after we checked out - our flight was delayed 4 1/2 hours. so we took a taxi back to the Singular and asked to store our luggage while we had lunch. The front desk and the restaurant host each told us we could eat there on our dime - even though we just checked out after paying a high all-inclusive rate for three days. That might be reasonable - but it is not 5-star service, particularly given the price.


  • ナタレスで朝食のホテルは、1泊あたりの平均価格がどのくらいですか?


  • ナタレスの朝食のホテルを予約する際に、利用可能なキャンペーン情報を教えてください。


  • ナタレスで特に人気のある朝食のホテルはどこですか?

    ナタレスでは、ノイ インディゴ パタゴニアザ シングラー パタゴニアホテル カーサ ヴェルデ が特に人気です。

  • ナタレスでおすすめの朝食のラグジュアリーホテルはどこですか?

    ナタレスで朝食のラグジュアリーホテルを探すなら、ノイ インディゴ パタゴニアザ シングラー パタゴニアがおすすめです。

  • ナタレスで朝食のペットと宿泊できるホテルはどこですか?

    エル エスタブロはペットと泊まれる宿としておすすめです。

