
オールダム ホテルの宿泊者口コミ・レビュー

Holiday Inn Manchester - Oldham
Holiday Inns are usually a pretty consistent experience, a notch above Premier Inn but still reasonably priced. We were looking for somewhere to stay not too far from our family while visiting and this looked OK. Arriving really late (thanks to all the daftness going on with the M60 at the moment) our first experience of the hotel was waiting around to be checked in for around 20 minutes before the night clerk found us. The venue opposite had a party going on which of course we didn't find out about until we arrived, but were too exhausted to care. Though the night clerk was extremely friendly and welcoming, he did warn us we might not get much sleep. Ironically it was nothing to do with the party (which wrapped up around 1 am) but a weird unidentified buzzing noise that seemed to start up when we settled down to sleep, almost like someone was constantly ringing the front door buzzer (though we don't think it was that). It seemed to come from inside the room. We tried all sorts, locking / unlocking the door, switching the air con off, fiddling around with the fridge. Imagine someone constantly playing a really loud version of the old board game ”Operation” all night at random time intervals and you'll get the general idea. Even with my trusty earplugs (which are usually essential in any hotel) I couldn't settle and the noise cut straight through them anyway. I think in the end we must've just passed out from sheer exhaustion! To be fair to the hotel, they were extremely apologetic (though seemed equally clueless about what the noise could have been) and did offer a discount (not a huge discount but better than a slap in the eye I guess). Even when we left the room in the morning the noise was still going on - so if the hotel ever DID find out what the heck it was and would like to clue us in, we're all ears... The rest of the experience was OK. The room and bathroom were both spotlessly clean (so kudos to the housekeeping staff), the breakfast was great (plenty of hot and cold options and a nice comfy breakfast room). Location was handy for Stockport / Marple and nearby National Trust places and parking was OK (though with the party going on we did have to park around the back of the building). This would have been a higher rated review as the staff were really helpful here - but that darned buzzing noise really knackered our chance of a good night's sleep.
Premier Inn Oldham Central
Had to stay two nights for work and wasn’t going to be spending much time in the hotel so booked a Premier Inn as I knew what I could expect. The room was the carbon-copy Premier Inn standard room; no complaints, but no luxuries. Check in was seamless but no ‘above and beyond’ customer service. For example I had three large motorcycle panniers and my helmet to carry through the key card entry doors and no one offered to help with the luggage. Between the front door and the room I counted five No Smoking signs in total yet each night I could smell someone smoking *****. I guess the detectors aren’t as sensitive as the signs made out. I booked and paid for breakfast each morning at the time of booking and I went to get dinner on the first night. Big mistake. I had received an email to say the restaurant was undergoing refurbishment, asking me to bear with them, even though they were happy to take the same charge from me. It must have been the kitchen equipment that was out for refurbishment and instead they were left with a microwave and a camp stove. Poor microwave pasta dinner and very poor breakfast. Absolutely not worth the same amount as the ‘normal’ Premier Inn with full facilities. Next time I’ll book a room, get what I expect from Premier Inn and go elsewhere for breakfast.
247 ホテル
Arrived at the hotel to be greeted by drug users and people drinking in the foyer. Then to be told the hotel is a hotel where the homeless stay (not that I have anything against that) the clientele is majority homeless. Me and my boyfriend decided to order food from the hotel bar. I ordered half roast chicken, chips, peas and gravy. When arrived my chicken was a dark colour and smelt off. I then went and told the bar staff to which her reply was - I can’t smell it. I then asked how it was cooked as we only waited 8-10 mins. Her reply - I cooked it in the microwave then in the oven. I asked for a refund, the lady was very polite and said she will get the guy at the desk to do the refund. As we approached the desk and I explained what the problem was his reply - we buy the chicken frozen from the supplier then defrost it in the microwave and recook it in the oven. So he then proceeded to do the refund on to my card but instead of refunding it he charged my card again. Obviously I asked for that money back immediately but I don’t mind waiting 3-5 days for the original refund. He told me no and I had to wait. I asked to speak to a manager but apparently no one was available to speak to. I explained that wasn’t my fault therefore I wanted the money he charged again immediately. After a few minutes he decided to get the money out of the till slamming it on the counter. He was rude and arrogant


  • オールダムの3つ星ホテルの1泊あたりの平均価格はどのくらいですか?


  • オールダムの3つ星ホテルを予約する際に、利用可能なキャンペーン情報を教えてください。


  • オールダムで特に人気のある3つ星ホテルはどこですか?

    オールダムでは、Holiday Inn Manchester - Oldham247 ホテルオルトン ハウス が特に人気です。

  • オールダムで朝食付きのプランがある3つ星ホテルはどこですか?

    一日の始まりを、おいしくて栄養満点の朝食でスタートしたいものですね。Holiday Inn Manchester - Oldham247 ホテルは、ご当地朝食が美味しいホテルとして大人気です。

  • オールダムで無料Wi-Fiを利用できる3つ星ホテルを教えてください。

    無料Wi-Fiが利用できるHoliday Inn Manchester - Oldham247 ホテルオルトン ハウスなら、観光やビジネスにも便利です。

  • オールダムで空港送迎サービスが提供される3つ星ホテルはどこですか?

    オールダムへ訪ねる際に、空港送迎サービスが提供されるHoliday Inn Manchester - Oldhamを利用すると、よりスムーズに旅を楽しむことができます。

  • オールダムでフィットネス施設を利用できる3つ星ホテルはどこですか?

    Holiday Inn Manchester - Oldhamは、フィットネスを重視する方におすすめです。

  • オールダムで高評価のバーが併設されている3つ星ホテルはどこですか?

    オールダムでバー付きの3つ星ホテルを探すなら、Holiday Inn Manchester - Oldham247 ホテル がおすすめです。洗練された空間が魅力的で、高品質なカクテルを楽しむことができます。

