ホテルからの返信: aya_chi様 この度はHOTEL THE LEBEN OSAKAをご利用いただき、誠にありがとうございます。お部屋やホテルスタッフのおもてなしにご満足いただけ、私共も嬉しい限りでございます。今後も皆様が快適にお寛ぎいただける空間をご提供できますよう、設備面及びサービス面の充実に取り組んでまいります。ご感想をお寄せいただきましたこと、改めて御礼申し上げます。またのご利用をスタッフ一同、心よりお待ち申し上げております。HOTEL THE LEBEN OSAKA スタッフ一同
ホテルからの返信: 感謝您選擇HOTEL THE LEBEN並分享您的寶貴意見,同時附上了精彩的照片。我們非常高興得知您對清潔和服務感到滿意,您的肯定是對我們最大的鼓勵。此外,我們也很高興您對酒店的便利位置表示滿意。心齋橋附近的交通便捷和周邊設施的便利是我們酒店的一大優勢。您分享的照片也非常生動地展示了我們酒店的環境,感謝您的用心。我們將繼續努力提升服務質量,以確保每位客人的住宿體驗更加舒適。期待您下次來大阪時,繼續選擇HOTEL THE LEBEN,我們將熱忱歡迎您的光臨。再次感謝您的寶貴反饋和美麗的照片,期待再次為您服務。此致敬禮HOTEL THE LEBEN
ホテルからの返信: 感謝您選擇入住酒店・ザ・レーベン,並分享了您的寶貴反饋。得知您對我們寬敞且清潔的房間以及樓下提供的各種日用品和護理用品感到滿意,我們感到非常高興。同時,我們也很高興您認為每天補充大瓶水對您很方便。酒店一直致力於環保工作,並積極推動可持續發展的措施。能夠得到您的認可,我們深感榮幸。我們將繼續努力,確保為每一位客人提供更加舒適和愉快的住宿體驗。希望在您下次來大阪時能再次為您服務。再次感謝您的寶貴意見,期待您下次光臨。此致敬禮HOTEL THE LEBEN
ホテルからの返信: Thank you for choosing HOTEL THE LEBEN OSAKA from among many hotels.We are very relieved to hear that you were very satisfied with our assistance in making reservations at outside restaurants, the rental equipment, and the facilities in your room.Our front desk staff will do their best to assist you and your guests to enjoy your trip to Osaka.We are ready to help you at the front desk, even if it is a small matter.We are very honored that you would like to stay with us again.Our entire staff sincerely looks forward to your return.HOTEL THE LEBEN OSAKAGuest Relations
ホテルからの返信: Thank you very much for staying at HOTEL THE LEBEN OSAKA.We are glad to hear that you had no inconvenience during your stay.All of the rooms in our hotel are equipped with TVs with information.You can also request information on the availability of laundry facilities and additional amenities and items for rent from the TV, so you can make your requests while relaxing in your room.If you ever have the opportunity to visit Osaka again, we would be happy to welcome you back to our hotel.We look forward to welcoming you again.HOTEL THE LEBEN OSAKA