Ok, this review will be a bit long... not so .. just a bit :) Before booking this at hotel, i read some reviews and they scared me. But the location of the hotel is so good that i could not not to book here. Price for 12 days was fair, and of course breakfast was included. Staff: all of them helpful and very kind, spot on! Breakfast: its average, nothing special, but you can always find some bites for your taste. Im very picky ,but even i could find always some to eat. Room: i was so happy when i entered our room (202) . I liked the style of the room, small but very cozy, it got a positive vibe. Our room was cleaned like every other day which was absolutely fine. All in all it was for us an amazing stay , very quiet which is the most important to me. I am happy i chose this hotel and i didnt listen for the bad negative reviews. Yes, there are things to improve, but those are minor issues. Just some ideas to improve the overall experience of this hotel: - check all toilets if the pressure works properly (in our room it was a bit tricky to flush) - check regularly small dirty scratches caused by suitcases and clean it (usually comes off with water) - maybe consider to stack up the fridge... minibar? - a kettle would've been nice ... to drink a tea or coffee. - in the breakfast area, keep the chairs clean, and the walls also. I think with these ideas you would drastically improve the overall image of the hotel. I wish all of you the best, and thank you again for the nice experience! Have a great day.
コルソ ホテル ペーチュは2023年に改装された施設で、ペーチに滞在するお客様にお勧めです。Pécs CathedralやSopianae cemetery at Pecs、Szent István téri szökőkútなど、徒歩圏内に多くの観光名所があります。お時間に余裕のあるお客様は、館内の様々な施設をぜひご利用ください。ペーチの当施設には、駐車場が併設されており、非常に便利です。
A conference weekend is behind me. Nice hotel placed in good area. All of attractions are near by, in just about 10 minutes walk, maximum. Staff very nice, helpful and friendly. Rooms are big and confortable. You have all you need in them. The only cons about rooms are really unconfortable pillows!? You have two of a kinds of pillows, and both are not good ... Food: traditional, delicious Hungarian food, but not too many different choices - two, but combined with warious sorts of salats, tastes great! The card key - I don't know how it happened but it didn't work. Thanx to my rommate, so I could've used the room. I went to the reception to complain about the issue few times and they repared it, but it just didn't work at all...for that matter and a really unconfortable pillows, I give my 4 stars. All the rest is just perfect and I would recommende it to my friends!
旅先の様々な魅力を発見したいお客様に、Hotel Makar Sport & Wellnessは最適です。Hotel Makar Sport & Wellnessは、ペーチの現地の雰囲気を感じたいお客様にお勧めの施設です。付近のエリアには、Tomb of Idris BabaやSopianae cemetery at Pecs、Pécsi Tudományegyetem Botanikus Kertなどの多くの観光名所があり、充実した時間をお過ごしいただけます。お時間に余裕のあるお客様は、館内の様々な施設をぜひご利用ください。ペーチの当施設のお客様は、駐車場をご利用いただけます。