
ペダ・ウォルテア ホテルの宿泊者口コミ・レビュー

部屋の場所はすべて、このようなホテルのサービスを期待できないビサハパトナムのような場所に期待を上回っていました。私はこの部屋をまともな価格で手に入れることができてうれしいです。ホテルははるかに改善し、部屋のアメニティの品質を向上させることができます。テレビに関しては、無料のチャンネルしか見つからず、Wi-Fi接続に関しては、その強さと速度を改善することができました. 4輪車の所有者として、駐車場に関連する駐車場のスタッフからの打撃の難しさと失礼な行動に直面しましたが、避けました.改善のために、ほとんどのアイテムがすぐに入手できず、ホテルは言及しても常にオンラインの食べ物の配達を許可していないため、レストランのメニューを改善することもできますが、実際には午後11時から午前7時までしか許可されていません。顧客はメニューにのみ制限されています。メニューに含まれていないものや調理可能なものが欲しければ、ホテルの敷地を出て近くの飲食店に近づかなければなりません。旅行者として、これは非常に制限的で魅力的ではないことがわかります。私はそれが問題ではないと感じています。しかし、顧客として、私は部屋とホテルで提供されるアメニティは、顧客がそれを使用するかどうかにかかわらず、少なくとも完全に機能するべきだと信じています。
Hotel Ambica Sea Green
We visited on 19 May. A family of four and a child. We went to the restaurant on 2nd floor. We were given a really wonderful treatment. Please read as sarcasm. There was one Manager and two busboys. Everyone was dressed in a suit so I really didn't who was actually serving. We stood there for few minutes and I was confused whether I should stay or leave. My little one was eagerly watching and one of the staff almost pushed her. Can't understand how a cute kid is invisible. I can understand *busy days* at restaurants, but I have never been treated so miserably at a place which is supposedly one of repute, at least by its appearance, aspiration or promise. They could have directed us to wait in the lobby, given a bit of respect to at least the 70 year old father or bit of courtesy to the ladies or at least an ounce of care for the three year child. But no. Their faces, their rush, their deliberate ignoring of us, all of it seemed like hoping we will vanish. We did vanish anyway. We left since we had never been treated like that at any hotel in my 43 years of life. At the lobby reception I left some feedback. The person gave me the same sullen look as if saying, ”Can't you see we are busy?” He took up the landline, pretending to do something, but there was no sorry or please wait or anything at all. In fact, he eyed, stared at, us all the way till we left the premises. I'm not even sure why. That last act was rather eerie. I mean, you're busy, you're discourteous, you're unable to apologize, but why throw me look till I left, as if intimidating me and my family. They, believe me, need a LOT OF TRAINING in handling customers on a busy day. Or any other day. You can burn money behind a hotel but you can't exhibit finesse. That one comes from what MasterCard Ad says about ”things money can't buy”. They try to show themselves sophisticated, but in the end, you'd be better treated if you went to a Dhaba. I can write pages but will stop here. Writing even this much, for these guys, has been a waste of precious time. Because I'm pretty sure, they won't learn from feedback. People who ignore a three year old child and can't offer her a place to even sit, are unfit to govern anything. They cannot improve. We are never visiting this place again and my advise to everyone is also not do. Fake people, fake hospitality. All pretence. Put them under stress and the real talent, or the lack of it, falls out of the closet, like a hidden skeleton.


  • ペダ・ウォルテアで駐車場のホテルは、1泊あたりの平均価格がどのくらいですか?


  • ペダ・ウォルテアの駐車場のホテルを予約する際に、利用可能なキャンペーン情報を教えてください。


  • ペダ・ウォルテアで特に人気のある駐車場のホテルはどこですか?

    ペダ・ウォルテアでは、ホテルオーシャンビスタベイブルンダヴァン スイートベイ ビュー ホテル が特に人気です。

