
ポンテベドラ ホテルの宿泊者口コミ・レビュー

Galicia Palace
パラドール デ ポンテべドラ
Read about the hotel and its glorious old days. I was very excited to stay there for one night during my Camino. The hotel is old and very much needs renovations. First, start with a good. The bed was very comfortable and the space is huge for the room. However, there was mold in the bathroom and shower area. Really grossed me out. The hotel just looks very rundown. The service it’s subpar. But you cannot beat the location.There is no complementary water in the room and they charge for everything. I felt the hotel tries to nickel and dime you.Christian who checked me in was very kind and professional. He made me feel welcome. The rest of staff looks very morose and unhappy. We had a storm brewing so that may be the reason? If they claim they are the top luxury hotel chain in Spain, they need to do way way much better.
Villa Covelo
ホテル サン ルイス
リアス バヤス
An overnight stay on our Camino walk (The Old Way). The hotel is easy to find, comfortable and the rooms nicely appointed. Reception staff were extremely helpful, spoke good English and provided a useful city map. Its a city hotel so expect some night-time noise! The room shower was great and a respectable breakfast buffet was set out for breakfast. There was even a small selection of hot foods, which made a pleasent change after our regular continential breakfasts. There was also lashings of good hot coffee delivered to the table. The hotel also provided us with picnic lunches for our onward travel. It contained a nice selection of meat and cheeses and they also catered for vegitarians on request. For those walking the Camino the Portuguese Way it is a pleaseing stop-over in Ponteverdra.


  • ポンテベドラでバーのホテルは、1泊あたりの平均価格がどのくらいですか?

    ポンテベドラでバーのホテルは、一泊あたりの平均価格が平日MXN 2,005、週末(金~土曜日)MXN 2,030です。

  • ポンテベドラのバーのホテルを予約する際に、利用可能なキャンペーン情報を教えてください。


  • ポンテベドラで特に人気のあるバーのホテルはどこですか?

    ポンテベドラでは、デゥエルミン パリス ポンテベドラ ホテルGalicia Palaceホテル マドリッド が特に人気です。


最高値MXN 9,431
最安値MXN 429
平均価格(平日)MXN 2,005
平均価格(週末)MXN 2,030