レジデンス エミー

レジデンス エミーの口コミ・レビュー・評判

レジデンス エミー

K Zelené louce 2a, 148 00 Praha-Kunratice, プラハ 4, 140 00 プラハ, チェコ共和国ホテル詳細を表示
レジデンス エミー
レジデンス エミーレジデンス エミーレジデンス エミー

レジデンス エミーの口コミ・レビュー・評判

スタンダード ツインルーム
宿泊: 2024年9月
投稿: 2024年10月27日
価格に対して設備やアメニティが揃っていてとても良かったです。 1つ言うとしたらコンセントの位置が悪かったので延長コードがあると良いかもしれません。
宿泊: 2024年4月
投稿: 2024年5月13日
宿泊: 2023年11月
投稿: 2024年3月26日
大晦日にはコストパフォーマンスが良いです。 ホテルのスタイルが少し古いのが残念です。リフレッシュする価値があります。
スタンダード ダブルルーム
宿泊: 2023年11月
投稿: 2024年1月5日
Xuexiaoqing(Dana )
宿泊: 2023年3月
投稿: 2023年6月13日
宿泊: 2022年11月
投稿: 2023年1月24日
スタンダード ダブルルーム
宿泊: 2024年10月
投稿: 2024年11月2日
Everything was very good, room was clean, staff very friendly. Equipment of room was older and TV was very basic, but considering the price, it is not an issue.
宿泊: 2023年11月
投稿: 2023年12月26日
平均的なホテルで、部屋は素晴らしいですが、朝食は「平均以下」のレベルだと思います。朝遅くに来ると、バーにあるものはすべて冷えていて、まだ人が座って食事をしているにもかかわらず、スタッフが 10:01 に周囲のすべてを掃除し始めます。
ホテルからの返信: ジュディ様、ご滞在のレビューをありがとうございます。当ホテルの素晴らしい客室をお楽しみいただけたとのこと、大変嬉しく思います。またお越しいただけることを心よりお待ちしています。プラハより、アデラ・ナハティガル W. セールス&マーケティング マネージャー
宿泊: 2024年11月
投稿: 2024年12月30日
First of all i have to say, that i think this is not a 4* hotel. I would give it 3*. Maybe in the past it had 4*. About the stay: + Staff is friendly, rooms are big and clean, breakfast is good, parking is for free(if you book on the official website), prices are good and with breakfast - Its a little fat away-you need around 40 Minutes to the city centre with the bus and metro At the breakfast, the waiters take your plates, even if you’re not finished. Yes, you can take a new one- but why? It’s annoying when you’re every 5 minutes disturbed. I was not angry with them, cause they are doing just their job. As i said - wrong category Resume: It was a pleasant stay and i would book it once again - price and what you get is good!
ホテルからの返信: Dear Alex, Thank you for choosing to stay with us at Rezidence Emmy and for taking the time to share your impressions. We truly appreciate your kind words about our friendly staff, spacious and clean rooms, as well as our breakfast options and complimentary parking. We are also glad that, despite your concerns, you found the overall value of the stay worthwhile and would consider booking with us again. We understand your reservations regarding our four-star classification. Rezidence Emmy meets internationally recognized standards for a four-star rating, but we also believe that continuous improvement is key to maintaining this level. Your feedback about the breakfast service is particularly helpful; we will certainly address our team’s approach to ensure guests can enjoy their meals without feeling rushed. As you noted, our location is in a quieter part of Prague, which can mean a slightly longer journey to the city center. Many of our guests appreciate the peaceful environment, but we do understand the importance of reliable transportation and are always happy to provide tips for the quickest routes and schedules. Thank you once again for your review. We value your perspective, and we are committed to refining our services to exceed expectations in the future. It would be our pleasure to welcome you back soon. Warm regards, Adela Nachtigal W. Sales & Revenue Manager Rezidence Emmy, Prague
宿泊: 2022年8月
投稿: 2022年9月6日
I was here with a group and I agree with what was written here. Generally very good option for a couple of days if you plan to be in the city or elsewhere. The room is big, comfy, the toilet is separated from the bathroom. All facilities present except for the AC which is a big problem over summer. The fan was not sufficient but we managed since the weather changed and was not too hot like the first day. Plus our room faced the back of the hotel, the big parking lot which was almost empty so had no problem opening the window or sleeping. The fridge was too hot and seemed not to be working although it had a back section which was cold. I did complain but was told that nothing could be done. Breakfast was plentiful and always refilled. All in all, a great option if the price is not too high. Our group price for 3 days was more that we bargained for, meaning I am sure we could not find anything cheaper and better in the city. I would go back again. It is a new and clean hotel with good breakfast unlike most European hotels of that range, so if you plan to spend most time in the city, this is a great option to spend a night. There is a Lidle shop up the hill, 10 minutes away. Buses and metro are on time so a quick way to the city is guaranteed.
ホテルからの返信: Dear Miloš, thank you so much for taking the time to write this review. We are pleased to hear that you liked our stay at your hotel Rezidence Emmy. Thanks for the positive comments about our big, comfy rooms, our breakfast, and our hotel in general! :) Once again thank you for taking the time to write this review and for choosing Hotel Rezidence Emmy in Prague. I hope we will see you soon again! Have a nice day :). Many greetings from Prague. Sincerely, Adela Nachtigal Wurstova Sales&Marketing Manager
宿泊: 2022年5月
投稿: 2022年6月22日
This hotel is fine, but not fantastic. Not sure what the four stars stand for... It's a budget hotel and as such is not overpriced. The rooms are clean and spacious and perfectly fine for a short stay - there is a mobile fan and a hairdryer and plenty of storage space. The beds are comfortable enough and the every day room cleaning service is very good. The breakfast is simple, but nice and perfectly fine for a good start of the day. The reception is friendly and always willing to help you along the way. Airport taxi pick-up service is recommended (1000 koruna or 40 euros). Just a few things to manage your expectations: - bring earplugs and a facemask if travelling in summer. The hotel is hot and you will want to have the windows open. There is a lot of street noise and the curtains are not blocking the light properly, so 5 am wake-up is not uncommon. - the shower is placed in the bath tub. Certainly not convenient for the old/frail/very tall/unhandy amongst us. - the mini fridge did not work and was warmer than the room itself. - there is a bus stop closeby that will take you to a metro station, that leads into the city center. Make sure to get your public transport card before you get to the hotel, because there is no proper way of getting one at or closeby the hotel (the ticket machine 15 min walk away was broken upon my visit). Alternative: taxi or use the PID mobile app (which worked really well). - 10 minute walk to get to the Campus entrance. - Pass the hotel towards the tree hill and you will find a restaurant for a nice and affordable czech dinner.
ホテルからの返信: Dear MGrug, thank you so much for taking the time to write this review. We really appreciate it and take all feedback into account. We are glad that you liked our convenient location, our clean and spacious rooms, and our good cleaning service, our helpful reception, and our breakfast. I can assure you that our hotel is a four-star hotel with international certification. Once again thank you for taking the time to write this review and for choosing Hotel Rezidence Emmy in Prague. I hope we will see you soon again! Have a nice day :). Many greetings from Prague. Sincerely, Adela Nachtigal Wurstova Sales&Marketing Manager
宿泊: 2023年8月
投稿: 2023年9月4日
Останавливались в этом отеле во время автобусного тура и это был наш худший отель по программе. Он находится очень далеко от исторического центра, на какой-то рабочей окраине и поэтому абсолютно не подходит для знакомства с городом. Отель довольно большой, с толпами народа и какой-то неуютный - ни снаружи, ни внутри. И фото, представленные здесь, не очень соответствуют реальности - все более старое и тусклое. Номер нормального размера, у нас был на высоком этаже с красивым видом на современный квартал Праги (очень вдалеке). Кровати и постель нормальные. Из наихудшего - горячая вода из бойлера и ждать, пока он нагреется, ни утром, ни вечером было некогда. Учитывая, что здесь останавливаются транзитные путешественники, которые приезжают поздно и уезжают рано, это очень странно - ведь ждать, пока вода нагреется, времени нет. Завтрак также разочаровал - выбор блюд маленький, все не очень вкусное, места нет, горы грязной посуды, которую не успевают убирать. Из положительного - прекрасный день, проведенный в любимой Праге. Если вас прельстит цена, то я думаю, что даже за такие деньги вы найдете что-то поближе к центру, если приехали для знакомства с городом.
ホテルからの返信: Dear Sokolalene, Thanks for reviewing your stay. The location of our hotel is no secret so please next time check a map before your trip to avoid disappointment. It would be our pleasure to welcome you back soon. With kind regards from Prague, Adela Nachtigal W. Sales&Revenue Manager
宿泊: 2023年6月
投稿: 2023年7月4日
Otel odaları çok eski ,bakımsız ,tuvalet ayrı banyo ayrı yerde , banyoda küvet var ve duş bozuktu tuvalette el yıkamak için lavabo yok yerler halı Camlarda Sineklik yok odada klima yok otel odaları çok eski ,odalarda asla wifi çekmiyor.Lobi çok dar .Odadan resepsiyona ulaşmak imkansız.Kahvaltı var fena değil.Yaşlı oteli gibi bar yok restoran erkenden kapanıyor.Sadece uyumak için tasarlanmış sanırım
ホテルからの返信: Dear Ozlmlci, thank you for your feedback. We have a WIFI at your hotel and it definitely works. At the moment we are renovating some of our rooms. Thanks for taking the time for the feedback have a nice day Kind regards, Adela Nachtigal W. Sales & Revenue Manager
宿泊: 2023年1月
投稿: 2023年2月27日
В этом отеле я прожил примерно неделю, когда прилетел с подругой в Прагу для встречи Нового года на рубеже 2005-2006 гг. Заселение группы в номера прошло относительно быстро. В отеле мы только завтракали, так о них скажу, что были достаточно скудными. Не понравились столики, которые шатались и пластиковые стулья. Здание отеля явно было из времен социализма, но наш номер был хорошим, свежим, как мне кажется, после ремонта. Санитарный узел был раздельным. Номер был чисто убран. Все в нем было аккуратно, а мебель и сантехника новые. Постельное белье и полотенца нам меняли, кажется раз или два и они были новые. Что порадовало: у номеров была весьма хорошая звукоизоляция. Отель находится в спальном районе города и с одной его стороны проходит улица, а с другой располагается автостоянка (на нее у нас и выходили окна)ю Чуть дальше виднелся лес или парк. Вокруг отеля располагается много разных медицинских учреждений, а вот с кафешками проблема, да и продуктовыми магазинами тоже. На мой взгляд, существенным минусом отеля является то, что он располагается весьма далеко от центра. Добираться из центра Праги до него на метро, а потом еще проехать примерно минут 10 на автобусе № 193. Мы засекали и путь до Вацлавской площади у нас занимал примерно 30-40 минут (разница зависела от того, как быстро приедет автобус). Если говорить об отеле, то он хороший, уютный отель (только столы и стулья в буфете не очень, а также завтрак бедноват). Стоимость проживания была очень даже привлекательной.
ホテルからの返信: Dear Vadim, thank you so much for taking the time to write this review. We really appreciate it and take all feedback into account. We are glad that you liked our clean and spacious rooms and the good value for money. I can assure you that our hotel is definitely not from the time of socialism.. It's just 15 years old. Once again thank you for taking the time to write this review and for choosing Hotel Rezidence Emmy in Prague. I hope we will see you soon again! Have a nice day :). Many greetings from Prague. Sincerely, Adela Nachtigal Wurstova Sales&Marketing Manager
宿泊: 2022年10月
投稿: 2022年11月20日
Biz turla kaldık. Temiz odaları vardı evet. Fakat çek cumhuriyeti çok soğuk ülke çok sıcak değildi odaları. Kahvaltısı asla türklere göre değil. Sonuçta içeride bir türk grubu var ona göre hizmet sunulabilirdi çeşitli ürünler vardı fakat bize göre değildi.
ホテルからの返信: Dear Aysegul , thank you for taking the time to write this review. We are pleased to hear that you liked our clean rooms. The temperature in all our rooms is 21 degrees of celsius which is the normal room temperature. Once again thank you for taking the time to write this review and for choosing Hotel Rezidence Emmy in Prague. I hope we will see you soon again! Have a nice day :). Many greetings from Prague. Sincerely, Adela Nachtigal Wurstova Sales&Marketing Manager