Citra Homestay Soe is one of the sharia hotels in Soe that is equipped with various facilities to support comfort, such as; non-smoking room, WiFi, bedside table, clean linen, working table and chair, mineral water, towel, shower, water heater, and security. Don't worry about your vehicle, Citra Homestay Soe provides decent and safe parking.Citra Homestay Soe is located at Nonohonis. The location is easy to access and is located on the main road. This is an excellent property in a strategic area.Located in a strategic location, close to Oeklofo Waterfall (4.1 km), Taman Nasional Mollo Selatan (5.2 km), Taman Rekreasi Bu’at (5.6 km), Oehala TTS Waterfall (9.9 km), Satu Hati Noinbila TTS Waterfall (10.1 km), and Air Tagepe Noinbila TTS (10.5 km). You can access Citra Homestay Soe with various public transportation options such as taxis, and local transportation service.