My spouse and I had an unbelievably rude experience here. We inquired about a room on 8/21/24 a little after 8 am. We were trying to take care of a few things before checking in including getting our member info (and diabetic care). My wife mentioned her diabetes and disability. But after just a few seconds, we were denied the room and literally chased away up to the parking entrance. The man invaded my wife's space very inappropriately. And she has a disability. It looked like they only had a few rooms filled, so you would think they would have wanted the business. This was borderline traumatic. Ignore the one star, this goes way below negative. We both will be filling out reviews here, and Google, as well as separate reports to the Americans with Disability Act and FTC. And we will be having a long talk with the corporate office at the end of our trip. In addition, there is a darker aspect to add that I didn't put above due to it's personal nature. But we feel we must add so travelers know how terrible the experience really was. My wife had a bad kidney infection at the time we were in the lobby, she was denied access to the restroom before we were thrown out. The combination of the infection, diabetes, and the horrible abuse from the staff caused her to lose control of her bodily functions before getting off the property. We have to consider this unforgivable. We will be continuing to find other sites to post.