Have fun with the whole family in this stylish accommodation.
Enjoy the summer on the terrace. You can use the parasol to enjoy your meals. You can see the stars in the evening due to the height of the floor. You will see the full moon in all its glory.
You will enjoy the low pollution
Have fun with the whole family in this stylish accommodation.
Enjoy the summer on the terrace. You can use the parasol to enjoy your meals. You can see the stars in the evening due to the height of the floor. You will see the full moon in all its glory.
You will enjoy the low light pollution of the attic. And the views of Montserrat, Sant Llorenç del Munt and Tibidabo.
If you have doubts, our team will assist you to solve them. We work for constant improvement.
旅先の様々な魅力を発見したいお客様に、Terrassa Parkは最適です。Terrassa Parkは、ビジネスでもレジャーでも、テラサでの快適な滞在をご提供いたします。当施設はTerrassa. Estacio FGC Terrassa Ramblaから3km、バルセロナ国際空港から37kmと、便利な立地です。Auditori Municipal de TerrassaやFerrocarril de Vallparadís、Amics de les Arts i Joventuts Musicalsなど、徒歩圏内に多くの観光名所があります。館内の様々な施設で、有意義にお過ごしいただけます。
Чисто, уютно, комфортно.
Нам все очень понравилось. Добираться до Барселоны легко.
Зато вечером можно прогуляться по Сабаделю, вкусно покушать в ресторане.