旅先の様々な魅力を発見したいお客様に、ハンプトン イン バイ ヒルトン ティミンズは最適です。ハンプトン イン バイ ヒルトン ティミンズは、ビジネスでもレジャーでも、ティミンズでの快適な滞在をご提供いたします。当施設はティミンズ空港から車で12kmと、便利な立地です。付近には、Rainville Foot HealthやParoisse Notre-Dame De La Paix、Archie Dillon Sportsplexなど、ティミンズの多くの観光名所があります。お時間に余裕のあるお客様は、館内の様々な施設をぜひご利用ください。ティミンズの当施設には、駐車場が併設されています。レビューでは、このホテルの施設はすばらしいと評判で、退屈せずにお過ごしいただけます。ご家族連れのお客様に、このホテルは常に高評価をいただいております。
Timmins is the type of place where you don't just show up accidentally, you are there for work in the Mining/Forestry fields, etc or to visit family. After dropping off a family member I had decided to rest up overnight before heading back south in the morning, I am glad I chose Hampton Inn, the Hotel had tons of clean well-lit parking and was easy to find on the main strip ( Algonquin st ) the building also looked a little more modern and better looked after than some of the other Hotels in the city and was slightly cheaper on the night I booked which was the 5th to 6th not ( 4th to 5th ) as it shows in the description above. The hotel itself was spotless and modern and the service was good. Early morning breakfast the next day was included in the price and it was good for what it was. If traveling to Timmins again I would definitely stay at this Hotel.