Arrived in the afternoon and there were still parking space at the hotel front door. Check-in was smooth, and staff speak a little English. Before going into the guest room, guests can relax in the lounge with drinks. The lounge is facing the Uji river. Our room is on the top floor, and the view is better than from the ground floor. The hotel is not a big one and I think all the rooms of the hotel is facing the Uji river, the east. The view of Uji river is marvelous. The room is spacious and quiet. There are two onsen switching between men and women. The onsen on the ground has no outdoor bath, while the onsen on the top floor has an outdoor onsen. We had a teppanyaki dinner at the off site restaurant. Franky it is just average and not particularly impressive. Breakfast is again, not as good when compared with most other onsen hotel. Probably the only advantage of the hotel is the excellent view of Uji river and close vicinity to the Byodoin and its shopping street.