
ヴィクトリアフォールズ 別荘を検索


とても素晴らしい 4.5以上素晴らしい 4.0以上とても良い 3.5以上良い 3.0以上

ヴィクトリアフォールズ 別荘のおすすめ9軒

ビクトリア フォールズ リバー ロッジ
ビクトリア フォールズ リバー ロッジビクトリア フォールズ リバー ロッジ
ビクトリア フォールズ リバー ロッジはビクトリア フォールズの川沿い、ザンベジ川やモシ オ トゥニャ国立公園まで歩いてすぐの場所にあります。 このスパ付きホテルは、サンベジ ナショナル パークまで 5.2 km、ビクトリア フォールズ国立公園まで 6.6 km です。 マッサージ、ボディ トリートメント、フェイシャル トリートメントを受けられるスパで贅沢な時間をお過ごしください。サファリで地元の野生動物に遭遇し、屋外プールおよびフィットネスセンターを含むレクリエーション施設をお楽しみください。このホテルでは、WiFi (無料)、コンシェルジュ サービス、託児サービス (有料)をご利用いただけます。地域内シャトルバス (無料) は、近隣の名所へのお出かけにたいへん便利です。 このホテル ではオールインクルーシブ料金をご利用いただけます。オールインクルーシブ料金には、施設内のレストランでの飲食が含まれます。一部のレストランでのお食事、スペシャルディナー、スペシャルメニュー、お飲み物、その他のサービスには、追加料金が発生する場合があります。 このホテルには 2 か所のレストランが併設されており、Restaurantではアフリカ料理をお楽しみいただけます。少し疲れたなと思ったときは、2 か所のバー / ラウンジ から 1 つ選んで、ひと休みしましょう。無料のフル ブレックファストを毎日、7:00 ~ 10:00 までお召し上がりいただけます。 ドライクリーニング / ランドリー サービス、24 時間対応フロントデスク、ランドリー設備をお使いいただけます。空港送迎シャトルサービス (24 時間対応) と駅でのお迎えを無料でご利用いただけます。 冷房完備の 18 室ある客室にはプライベート プランジプールが備わっており、ゆったりおくつろぎいただけます。個別の浴槽とシャワーのある専用バスルームには、深めの浴槽、レインフォールシャワーが備わっています。セーフティボックス (ノートパソコン収納可能)、デスクをご利用いただけ、ハウスキーピング サービスは、毎日行われます。
41 reviews
ビクトリア フォールズにあるミオンボ・ミューズは、ビクトリア フォールズ国立公園やサンベジ ナショナル パークまで車で 5 分の場所に位置しています。 この高級アパートスタイルホテルは、ビクトリア滝まで 3.1 km、デビルズ プールまで 4.1 km の場所にあります。 施設内のマッサージで贅沢な時間を過ごし、屋外プールなどのレクリエーション設備でお楽しみいただけます。その他の設備としてこのアパートスタイルホテルでは、ツアー / チケット案内、ガスグリル、自動販売機をご利用いただけます。 ミオンボ・ミューズでの軽食には、スナックバー / デリをご利用ください。 ドライクリーニング / ランドリー サービス、ランドリー設備、自動販売機をお使いいただけます。敷地内にはセルフパーキング (無料) が備わっています。 全 26 室ある冷房完備の客室には、大型冷蔵庫 / 冷凍庫、オーブンなどが備わったキッチンがあり、ゆったりおくつろぎいただけます。低反発のベッドに、高級寝具が付いています。各客室には、専用のパティオがあります。44 インチのスマートテレビでデジタルをご覧いただけるほか、WiFi (無料)などもご利用いただけます。専用バスルームには、深めの浴槽、レインフォールシャワーがあります。
4 reviews
Zambezi Family Lodge
Zambezi Family LodgeZambezi Family Lodge
Rental basis: Entire house or apartment Number of bedrooms: 5; Number of other rooms with beds: 0 Zambezi Family Lodge is completely private - secluded and nestled in a peaceful suburb of Victoria Falls, approximately a 1 km walk or drive to town and 3.5 km to the majestic Victoria Falls. Guests have exclusive use of this home which sleeps 15 comfortably. There are 5 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms - three of them ensuite. Each bedroom is air conditioned with ceiling fans. Furniture is made from Zimbabwean teak. All the bedding is Egyptian Cotton and there are 100% Blockout Curtains and Voiles. Hairdryers are provided. In the centre of the villa is a large enclosed and semi covered courtyard, a large flat screen TV in the lounge and entertainment area. And since there are so many activities and things to do while you are in Victoria Falls we teamed up with a reputable safari company that offers all, and our guests are getting not just a preferred rate, but also can book all activities with one operator for your convenience . We are offering asistance in booking safaris, game drives and all of the other victoria falls tours with Savannah Adventures, a highly recommended operator by tripadvisor here in Victoria Falls. And since there are so many activities and things to do while you are in Victoria Falls we teamed up with a reputable safari company that offers all, and our guests are getting not just a preferred rate, but also can book all activities with one operator for your convenience . We are offering assistance in booking safaris, game drives and all of the other victoria falls tours with Savannah Adventures, a highly recommended operator by tripadvisor here in Victoria Falls. Our Rooms: Buffalo Room Our Buffalo Room is situated in the middle of the villa with two single beds,with a bed side lamp shared, usb ports available for charging, the room has wide clear windows to see through into our picturesque garden, a mini fridge, air conditioner, ceiling fan and mirror is provided too.(shared
Zambezi Family Lodge - Elephant Room
Zambezi Family Lodge - Elephant RoomZambezi Family Lodge - Elephant Room
Rental basis: Room with own facilities Number of bedrooms: 1; Number of other rooms with beds: 0 Elephant Room Our Elephant Room is the main bedroom which has an amazing view of our pool area, garden and baobab tree. A very spacious room and ensuite with two beds and bedside lamps, the rooms boast two air conditioners, two sofa chairs,mini fridge,mirror, usb ports, and a sliding door with a patio to have tea, read a book, access to pool area, etc Zambezi Family Lodge is completely private - secluded and nestled in a peaceful suburb of Victoria Falls, approximately a 1 km walk or drive to town and 3.5 km to the majestic Victoria Falls. Guests have exclusive use of this home which sleeps 15 comfortably. There are 5 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms - three of them ensuite. Each bedroom is air conditioned with ceiling fans. Furniture is made from Zimbabwean teak. All the bedding is Egyptian Cotton and there are 100% Blockout Curtains and Voiles. Hairdryers are provided. In the centre of the villa is a large enclosed and semi covered courtyard, a large flat screen TV in the lounge and entertainment area. Zambezi Family Lodge is completely private - secluded and nestled in a peaceful suburb of Victoria Falls, approximately a 1 km walk or drive to town and 3.5 km to the majestic Victoria Falls. Guests have exclusive use of this home which sleeps 15 comfortably. There are 5 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms - three of them ensuite. Each bedroom is air conditioned with ceiling fans. Furniture is made from Zimbabwean teak. All the bedding is Egyptian Cotton and there are 100% Blockout Curtains and Voiles. Hairdryers are provided. In the centre of the villa is a large enclosed and semi covered courtyard, a large flat screen TV in the lounge and entertainment area. And since there are so many activities and things to do while you are in Victoria Falls we teamed up with a reputable safari company that offers all, and our guests are getting not just a preferred rate, but also can book all activities with one operator for your convenience
Zambezi Family Lodge - Lion Room
Rental basis: Room with own facilities Number of bedrooms: 1; Number of other rooms with beds: 0 The Zambezi Family Lodge: The Lion Room Our Lion Room which we love to call the curve room is situated closest to the entrance of our villa has a view to die for of our gardens(the famous baobab tree), pool and gazebo area. The room has a bed ensuite with bedside lamps, usb ports, mirror, air conditioner, ceiling fan and mini fridge. An ideally situated lodge in the residential area of Victoria Falls town. Zambezi Family Lodge is a privately owned and immaculately maintained property. Self catering and comprising of 5 bedrooms, 3 en-suites, fully air conditioned, living and dining area, courtyard and swimming pool . Our guests enjoy the assistance for tours, safaris, activities in Victoria falls with Savannah Adventure Safaris which pick up our guests directly from our lodge. Please ask us after booking and we will be happy to assist you with any activity you might be interested in. Zambezi Family Lodge is completely private - secluded and nestled in a peaceful suburb of Victoria Falls, approximately a 1 km walk or drive to town and 3.5 km to the majestic Victoria Falls. Guests have exclusive use of this home which sleeps 15 comfortably. There are 5 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms - three of them ensuite. Each bedroom is air conditioned with ceiling fans. Furniture is made from Zimbabwean teak. All the bedding is Egyptian Cotton and there are 100% Blockout Curtains and Voiles. Hairdryers are provided. In the centre of the villa is a large enclosed and semi covered courtyard, a large flat screen TV in the lounge and entertainment area. Zambezi Family Lodge is completely private - secluded and nestled in a peaceful suburb of Victoria Falls, approximately a 1 km walk or drive to town and 3.5 km to the majestic Victoria Falls. Guests have exclusive use of this home which sleeps 15 comfortably. There are 5 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms - three of them ensuite. Each bedroom is air conditioned with ceiling fans. Furniture is
カヤレツ ホリデイ ホーム
ビクトリア フォールズのこのバケーションホームは、ビクトリア滝やサンベジ ナショナル パークまで車で 5 分で行けます。 このバケーションホームは、デビルズ プールまで 5 km、ビクトリア フォールズ ブリッジまで 5.3 km の場所にあります。 庭園からの眺めを楽しみ、ツアー / チケット案内やバーベキューグリルなどをお使いいただけます。 エクスプレス チェックアウト、ドライクリーニング / ランドリー サービス、ランドリー設備をお使いいただけます。空港送迎シャトルサービス (24 時間対応) を有料でご利用いただけるほか、敷地内にはセルフパーキング (無料) も備わっています。 バケーションホームには冷蔵庫とオーブン付きのキッチンが備わり、快適にお過ごしいただけます。専用のパティオがあります。薄型テレビ (衛星放送番組視聴可) のほか、WiFi (無料)もご利用いただけます。デスクと電気ポットがあり、ハウスキーピングサービスは1 度の滞在につき 1 回提供されます。
ビクトリア フォールズにあるこのヴィラに泊まれば、ビクトリア フォールズ国立公園まで歩いて簡単に行けます。また、デビルズ プールまでは車で 3 分です。 このヴィラは、ビクトリア滝まで 2.3 km、ザンベジ川まで 2.3 km の場所にあります。 屋外プールなどをレクリエーションに利用し、テラスや庭園からの眺めをお楽しみいただけます。その他の設備としてこのヴィラでは、WiFi (無料)、バーベキューグリルをご利用いただけます。 エクスプレス チェックイン、荷物保管サービス、ランドリー設備をお使いいただけます。敷地内にはセルフパーキング (無料) が備わっています。 ヴィラでは快適にお過ごしいただけます。
Zambezi Family Lodge - Leopard Room
Zambezi Family Lodge - Leopard RoomZambezi Family Lodge - Leopard Room
Rental basis: Room with own facilities Number of bedrooms: 1; Number of other rooms with beds: 0 Leopard Room Our Leopard Room which is our sunken room has a view of parts of the garden, has four single beds with bedside lamps, usb ports, air conditioner and standing fan.(shared bathroom and toilet) Our guests enjoy the assistance for tours, safaris, activities in Victoria falls with Savannah Adventure Safaris which pick up our guests directly from our lodge. Please ask us after booking and we will be happy to assist you with any activity you might be interested in. An ideally situated lodge in the residential area of Victoria Falls town. Zambezi Family Lodge is a privately owned and immaculately maintained property. Self catering and comprising of 5 bedrooms, 3 en-suites, fully air conditioned, living and dining area, courtyard and swimming pool with many Zambezi Family Lodge is completely private - secluded and nestled in a peaceful suburb of Victoria Falls, approximately a 1 km walk or drive to town and 3.5 km to the majestic Victoria Falls. Guests have exclusive use of this home which sleeps 15 comfortably. There are 5 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms - three of them ensuite. Each bedroom is air conditioned with ceiling fans. Furniture is made from Zimbabwean teak. All the bedding is Egyptian Cotton and there are 100% Blockout Curtains and Voiles. Hairdryers are provided. In the centre of the villa is a large enclosed and semi covered courtyard, a large flat screen TV in the lounge and entertainment area. Zambezi Family Lodge is completely private - secluded and nestled in a peaceful suburb of Victoria Falls, approximately a 1 km walk or drive to town and 3.5 km to the majestic Victoria Falls. Guests have exclusive use of this home which sleeps 15 comfortably. There are 5 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms - three of them ensuite. Each bedroom is air conditioned with ceiling fans. Furniture is made from Zimbabwean teak. All the bedding is Egyptian Cotton and there are 100% Blockout Curtains and Voiles. Hairdryers are
Zambezi Family Lodge - Buffalo Room
Zambezi Family Lodge - Buffalo RoomZambezi Family Lodge - Buffalo Room
Buffalo Room Our Buffalo Room is situated in the middle of the lodge with two single beds,with a bed side lamp shared, usb ports available for charging, the room has wide clear windows to see through into our picturesque garden, a mini fridge, air conditioner, ceiling fan and mirror is provided too.(shared bathroom and to An ideally situated lodge in the residential area of Victoria Falls town. Zambezi Family Lodge is a privately owned and immaculately maintained property. Self catering and comprising of 5 bedrooms, 3 en-suites, fully air conditioned, living and dining area, courtyard and swimming pool with many other amenities and pool game as for refreshing and relaxing. Out door pool area faces the east to the zambezi. Victoria Falls Activities provided for our guests with Savannah Adventures, with pick up at our lodge: Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe, offers an all-encompassing experience for all visitors. The combination of Africa's finest wildlife, bird life, culture and history, as well as the amazing activities in Victoria Falls, makes this a must-see destination. We are a local safari and walking tour operator, offering customized game drives and the most popular attractions, here in the adventure capital of Africa, Victoria Falls Zambezi Family Lodge is completely private - secluded and nestled in a peaceful suburb of Victoria Falls, approximately a 1 km walk or drive to town and 3.5 km to the majestic Victoria Falls. Guests have exclusive use of this home which sleeps 15 comfortably. There are 5 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms - three of them ensuite. Each bedroom is air conditioned with ceiling fans. Furniture is made from Zimbabwean teak. All the bedding is Egyptian Cotton and there are 100% Blockout Curtains and Voiles. Hairdryers are provided. In the centre of the villa is a large enclosed and semi covered courtyard, a large flat screen TV in the lounge and entertainment area. Zambezi Family Lodge is completely private - secluded and nestled in a peaceful suburb of Victoria Falls, approximately a 1
















