ビルニュス中心部のArtagonist Art Hotelに宿泊すると、ピリエス通りやHouse of the Signatoriesまで歩いてすぐです。 このホテルは、Orthodox Church of St. Paraskeva (Pyatnickaya)まで 0.1 km、Vilnius Picture Galleryまで 0.1 km の場所にあります。
便利なWiFi (無料)、コンシェルジュ サービス、レセプション ホールなどをご利用いただけます。
お食事はレストランでお召し上がりください。客室から、このホテルのルームサービス (営業時間限定)をご利用いただくこともできます。バー / ラウンジでお好みのドリンクを召し上がり、喉の渇きを癒してください。フル ブレックファストは、平日は 7:00 ~ 10:00 まで、週末は 7:30 ~ 11:00 まで、有料でお召し上がりいただけます。
ドライクリーニング / ランドリー サービス、24 時間対応フロントデスク、荷物保管サービスをお使いいただけます。空港送迎シャトルサービス (24 時間対応) を有料でご利用いただけます。
全部で 34 ある冷房完備の客室にはミニバー、薄型テレビなどが備わっており、ゆっくりおくつろぎいただけます。WiFi (無料)をお使いいただけるほか、衛星放送の番組をご覧いただけます。シャワーのある専用バスルームには、レインフォールシャワー、バスアメニティ (無料)が備わっています。セーフティボックス (ノートパソコン収納可能)、デスクをご利用いただけ、ハウスキーピング サービスは、毎日行われます。
Really nice little hotel. Comfortable room. I was very happy with it until I got sick from drinking the water. They have a refillable container in the room that you fill from the washroom tap. It has a stick of carbon in it. They said that tap water was 100% good to drink. Maybe it is if you're local. If you're visiting, don't chance it. You can buy water at the hotel but they charge you $5.00 (4 euro) for it. Bring your own water. I never dri k tap water in other counties but they were adamant it was ok. Live and learn.
Really nice and clean modern hotel in the new part of Vilnius. A short walk (approx 20 mins) from the Old Town but a great place to set your base to explore or as for me a business trip!
I'm giving the hotel 4 stars because the location is great if you're on a short layover, otherwise it only rates 3 stars. There's a lot of construction going on, so maybe in the future the hotel will rate 4 or even 5 stars. It's quite old and outdated, which is not a bad thing, but the bed was small, the room was too hot even though a small fan was provided and the shower was very small. The bathroom seemed clean, but the rest of the room was a bit sketchy. The included breakfast buffet was very good and service was friendly. It's just a few minutes walk to the arrivals area of the airport.
The hotel is generally good, but there is a very big minus. - there is no parking space for the bus. Therefore, for large groups traveling by bus, I do not recommend this hotel. the security guard is not polite, he started yelling at the bus driver at the stage of unloading the luggage., let alone the fact that the driver said that he would spend the night in this hotel. He said ----- Get your bus out of here and I don't care where you park. The driver worked a lot during the day and we arrived late already in the dark, unfamiliar city, he had to look for parking before he could go to rest. That is why large groups traveling by bus from city to city from country to country, I do not recommend this hotel.
ゲゲストLocated in a good place, near shops, not far from railway/bus station. Tv, hairdryer, kettle, cups, glasses. No wardrobe. We were staying on the last floor with view to inside ground, but still was noisy even with closed window. Still not bad for the price with free parking
I booked this hotel at very short notice, I based my choice on its modest price and it’s proximity to the cultural centre of town; as far as I could discern from Google maps at least! I was beyond delighted upon my arrival to find that its location was actually more convenient than I’d expected and its decor and cleanliness were leagues above its price point. However, the biggest impression that this hotel made upon me was the utterly amiable, compassionate and obliging hospitality that the staff displayed. Far beyond what I’d become accustomed to in this part of Europe and more akin to an avant-garde hotel in somewhere like London or Bordeaux! Without a doubt the service that you can expect here sets it apart. I’d personally endorse this place to any variety of tourist who’s looking for a comfortable and safe place to rest their head. If I ever visit Vilnius again I know exactly where I’ll be staying.
I feel that hospitality has always been an issue in Lithuania... But Astorija is an exception... Well train and top rate hospitality... Worth every penny spent... I live in Vilnius but I stay in astorija for the pampering comfort and great service...
NNzubechukwu OnyiwaraI booked a studio apartment for a few nights during my stay in Vilnius after having issues with my first booking. I booked the lodging on my ride over from the other place and within 20 minutes, I was checked into the flat.
The customer service guy I spoke with on the phone was a very helpful and stand-up guy, pity I didn't get his name.
What's more? The flat was very clean with all amenities in place. I loved my stay. Didn't really want to leave but alas all things must have an end